Wednesday, January 5, 2022 - Volume 14, Issue 10
Message from Administration
Welcome to 2022! We had hoped for a different start to our year, but we know that everyone is doing their part to stay safe and healthy while following the public health protocols.
We recognize that as these times of uncertainty continue that it can be frustrating - thank you for your patience. This has been an ever-changing landscape and we will do our best to ensure that our community is kept informed along the way. Please reference the letter from our Director, Loretta Notten which was sent out by School messenger earlier this week and we have attached here for you.
We will continue to message the community using school messenger. If you are not receiving emails from the school, please call to update your email address. Students will receive updates on their google or D2L classroom announcements.
Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to pray for resolution to this ongoing COVID crisis.
In person learning for our high needs special education students will commence Monday, January 10. Regular school hours will apply.
A Message from the Director
Dear Waterloo Catholic Community –
I hope that you have enjoyed a joyous and healthy New Year’s weekend with your family. While we were just in communication with you last week, a number of important changes have occurred just today, Monday January 3rd. The province is moving to a modified Stage 2 response to the pandemic, given the increase in COVID-19 cases as a result of Omicron variant and more specifically as a result of the potential impact to the Healthcare system. While these measures are intended to be temporary, they are significant. The most relevant to us as a school board is the pivot once again to a virtual learning reality.
Return to School
The return to learning for all students will now be a virtual one and will commence on Wednesday January 5th 2022. (This includes St Isidore and St Louis) On January 5th we will take the day to have teachers connect with their students, and ensure everyone has a good virtual-connection and is able to connect with their teacher. Teachers will meet with students first thing in the morning – per usual bell times, however they will connect for no more than 1 hour synchronously. (In secondary this will be approx. 30 minutes per class.) They will provide work that can be done for the day. Full synchronous virtual learning will then resume on Thursday, January 6th 2022. Currently the province is indicating that the earliest we will return to full in person learning will be Monday January 17th. We will stay tuned for any further updates.
Students with high needs in Special Education
Schools will be in touch with those students who may be eligible to access in person learning due to high special education needs where virtual learning is not a viable option. We will also look to see how we can best support our ELD students who may have difficulty in a virtual learning environment. You will receive more precise and detailed communication through your local school. In person learning for our high needs special education students will commence Monday, January 10th 2022.
It is more important than ever before, that anyone feeling ill should not attend school. All children, students, staff, and visitors must be screened for symptoms of illness every day before attending school or childcare. Any student or staff member with any symptom should not report to school. To help meet this requirement, you may use the provincial screening tool found here: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/. It is continually being updated and using the link on a daily basis should provide you with the most recent guidance. Confirmation of self-screening will still be a requirement when we return to school and we will continue to reinforce masking and hand hygiene, as well as cohorting and physical distancing with students and our staff.
Vaccination for children ages 5 – 11 is currently underway. Booster shots for anyone over 18 years of age has been possible since Monday, December 20th. We are in communication with Waterloo Region Public Health to organize vaccination clinics specifically for education staff. Vaccination remains the best defence against COVID-19, as endorsed by experts at the Ontario Science table, the Chief Medical Officer of Health and our own Waterloo Region Public Health. The omicron variant is highly transmissible and so consideration for vaccination for yourself and your child is very important in stopping the disease spread and also in ensuring that if COVID is acquired, that symptoms remain mild and manageable. Stopping its spread is important so that everyone can spend more time in school and so the most vulnerable amongst us are not negatively impacted.
We remain every grateful for your support and partnership as we navigate these challenging times. We understand that many of you will be concerned and will only want the best for yourself and your children. We encourage you to follow the guidelines as outlined to the best of your ability and to trust that our schools still remain largely safe. As I offered last week, let us hold to the promise of the nativity and the message of love, hope and joy that it offers. Together we will make it through this challenging time.
Positive Parent-Teacher communication
As always parents/ guardians are valuable partners in their child’s education. We invite you to keep the lines of communication open as you can be an effective resource to support the learning your child. As per out WCDSB Administrative Procedures Memorandum #APC001, Communication Guidelines, we ask that all public and interpersonal communications must recognize the dignity of the individual and be conducted fairly, honestly, and with respect.
When a parent, guardian or other board stakeholder has a concern or suggestion, it is expected that the concern/suggestion will first be taken up with the staff member with whom the parent / guardian / stakeholder has the concern/suggestion. Therefore, the process outlined below should be followed.
Get ready to SAY CHEESE!
Grad photo appointments for February will be available soon! Put yourself on the waiting list to be notified when bookings reopen.
COVID-19 Screening
Just a reminder to complete the screening tool before you arrive at school. Any individual who fails the screener or who is symptomatic in any way should not be reporting to school. That is part of our collective responsibility to one another. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/
Significant Days & Dates
Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.
March 14, 2022 to March 18, 2022
Professional Activity Days:
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
News from Guidance
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
International Students/ICP
Guidance Google Classrooms
Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:
Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor
Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.
Interested in learning more about the Specialist High Skills Major program?
Please go to highskills.ca or drop by the coop office on the second floor to speak with Mrs. Crowell
Hey Saints!
Have a great idea?
Want it to be run by SAC?
Fill out the suggestion QR forms posted around the school and
on the Bennies SAC instagram & maybe it will flourish into an event!
Calendar of Events
Thursday, January 6 Feast of the Epiphany 8:00am: 1st Full Synchronous Virtual Learning Day
Friday, January 7 Orthodox Christmas
Monday, January 10 8:00am: High Needs Special Education Students Return in Person
Wednesday, January 12 3:30pm: SHSM Workshop: Cartoon Creation
Monday, January 17 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 1:45pm: Debate Club 1:45pm: Homework club 2:00pm: Sr. Girls Ice Hockey vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:30pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball @ Woodland Christian HS 3:30pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball @ Woodland Christian HS
Tuesday, January 18 10:30am: Chess Club 10:30am: Finance Club 2:30pm: Sr. Boys Ice Hockey vs Monsignor Doyle CSS 3:30pm: SHSM Workshop: Public Speaking
Wednesday, January 19 BENN Newsletter release 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 1:45pm: Racing Saints E-car club 1:45pm: Homework club 3:00pm: Jr. Girls Volleyball vs Rockway MC 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Ice Hockey @ St. David CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Basketball @ St. David CSS 3:00pm: Sr. Girls Volleyball vs Rockway MC 3:30pm: Virtual Workshop: Art Therapy 4:30pm: Jr. Boys Basketball @ St. David CSS
Thursday, January 20 8:00am: Wrestling D8 Championships 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 1:45pm: Robotics Team 1:45pm: Math Club 1:45pm: Games Club 3:00pm: Sr. Boys Ice Hockey @ St. David CSS
Friday, January 21 10:30am: Star Trek Club 1:45pm: Doctor Who Club
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!