Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - Volume 14, Issue 3

District 8 Announcement Regarding Return of Athletics in 2021-22

The Waterloo Catholic District School Board and District 8 Athletic Association are happy to announce the return of its interschool athletic programming effective September 20, 2021.

Active participation in athletics has known health benefits, including physical fitness and mental wellness.
Athletics provides social interaction which is necessary in a time of uncertainty for our students. It is with this in mind that we have prioritized getting our youth back to play and competition with health and safety as our primary focus.

As the pandemic continues, it is all our responsibilities to take reasonable steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect all individuals who participate in our athletic activities. The WCDSB and District 8 will be implementing every strategy within our ability and as recommended to keep our student-athletes, teacher-coaches, officials and public safe.

In order to offer the safest possible option for a return to sport, all student-athletes (born 2009 and earlier) and teacher-coaches who wish to participate in interschool athletics must show proof of full immunization against COVID-19 (two doses plus 14-day waiting period) OR provide negative rapid antigen test results to their school twice per week.

This protocol will take affect Monday September 20th when practices and tryouts are able to resume. Competition schedules will be released as soon as they become available. The WCDSB is encouraging schools to organize safe intramural activities at their school, especially for those students born in 2010 or later, so that all ages can enjoy the benefits that physical activity offers.

All officials and volunteer coaches (non-school staff) must be fully immunized against COVID-19 (two doses plus 14-day waiting period). In addition to these very necessary measures, there are additional general protocols to ensure public safety.
These initiatives include but are not limited to; attendance tracking to conduct contact tracing, daily screening prior to participation, sanitization of high touch surfaces, mandatory masking for all individuals not actively involved in play, physical distancing where possible, spectator restrictions and more. Students who wish to learn more about the interschool athletic opportunities at their school should contact their school’s main office and/or athletic director for more information.

Athletics Are Back!

All team fees will be set up on School Cash Online and a notice will be sent out once the team is selected.

Please submit all fees using School Cash Online. Personal cheques are no longer accepted as a method of payment.


Mrs. M. Ingoldsby

Ms. E. Riley
Vice Principal
Bo-G & International

Mr. R. Stehlik
Vice Principal

Mr. R. Roque
Vice Principal

School Cash Online Important Reminder

School Start-Up Forms and Fees

2021-2022 Consent Forms are MANDATORY for all Students
  • Consent forms and fees are accessible through School Cash Online
  • A detailed checklist, that outlines all required consent forms, fees, and information documents by grade level can be found on our school website under Parents > Current Students > Start up Procedures and Information or click here.
  • Instructions for creating a School Cash Online account can be found on our school website under the “September Start Up” tab at the top of the screen; scroll down and click on “School Cash Online Creating an Account”
  • If you encounter any difficulties, please contact the main office 519-621-4050
Please submit forms and fees by October 15.

Catholic Schools Advisory Council

St. Benedict’s Catholic Advisory Council (formerly School Council) is a group of parents, guardians, community members, teachers and administrators committed to making our high school a great place to learn and grow! The council sees family involvement as one of its main priorities and is committed to welcoming parents into the St. Benedict community by increasing communication, removing barriers and creating opportunities to get involved!

Meetings are from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on various Tuesday’s and are typically held on Microsoft Teams or in Room 111.

If you would like to be a regularly participating member of the advisory council and receive agendas in advance of the meetings, please complete the CSAC Parent Candidate Form and email the completed form to

Student Lockers

Each student is assigned a locker which will be used from September to June. Lockers must be locked with the school provided lock – PERSONAL LOCKS will be removed. It is not necessary for students to share lockers as each individual student is assigned a locker. For security reasons, students are not permitted to change from their assigned locker at any time during the school year. Students should not share their lock combinations with others. Students are encouraged to make certain the lock has fully closed by pulling on it lightly before leaving the locker. Lockers are to be kept neat and clean; do not allow old lunches and junk to pile up in the locker. Graffiti and markings on lockers and/or locker doors are NOT permitted. This would be considered vandalism with appropriate consequences assigned. All lockers must be cleaned out before final exams in June. Any items left in lockers will be removed and donated when appropriate.

How to open your lock


The first number

Turn the dial to the RIGHT (clockwise) 3 times,
Then stop on the first number of your combination

The second number

Turn the dial to the LEFT (counter clockwise) watch the second number of your combination go by once; spin again to the LEFT (counter clockwise) this time stop on the second number of your combination.

The third number

Turn the dial to the RIGHT (clockwise), stop on the third number of your combination on the first spin.
For assistance or to report issues with a locker, please visit the main office for help.

WCDSB COVID-19 Operational Guidelines & Updated Daily School & Child Care Screening

As we get ready to head back to school, we are truly looking forward to a year that allows us to embrace a renewed love of learning, within our faith-based communities.
We remain very grateful for your continued support as we navigate life in the COVID-19 era, and remain ready and willing to assist you as we transition back to what will undoubtedly be a #WCDSBAwesome year!
Please review our full Operational Guidelines to ensure you understand how we are ensuring a safe and happy return to school.
In addition, please be aware of the ongoing expectation that all students, staff and visitors are expected to each day complete the required provincial government COVID-19 Daily Screener online, or download and print a hard copy for daily reference.

Although learning environments have shifted over the past year, parents everywhere have helped their children navigate these changes by taking a more active role in their education (kudos to you, parents!)

Now, as students go back to in-person learning this fall, you can ensure your child is more prepared - both socially and academically - by attending our upcoming event.

The Catholic Community Foundation of Waterloo Region invites you to join in a virtual interactive presentation and live discussion on Thursday, September 23, 2021 from 7pm - 8pm EDT. We are bringing together experts from the region to share their best practices, ideas and identify learning needs to help students succeed moving forward from the pandemic influences/challenges.

Take the first step in setting your child up for success this school year!


Food for thought...

Start the day right... with a nutritious bite!

Did you have time to eat breakfast this morning? or Did you forget your lunch and don't have any money to buy something? Well Nutrition for Learning breakfast cart has you covered. Stop by the breakfast cart between 7:40 - 8am, located in the Atrium or doors by the gym and grab some snacks off the cart for FREE!! Yes, that's right I said free food! Hope to see you at the Breakfast Cart!!
Grey Photo Camera Day Social Media Post (1)

Significant Days & Dates

Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.

Christmas Break:
December 20 to 30, 2021 (Classes resume January 3)
March Break:
March 14, 2022 to March 18, 2022
Professional Activity Days:
Friday, October 8, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Friday, April 8, 2022
Friday, June 3, 2022

Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!





Mental Health and Supports

Parent Wellbeing Series:

A series of four 10-20 minute videos focusing on parent/caregiver wellbeing:
  1. Self-Compassion
  2. Recognizing Signs of Internal Struggle
  3. Radical Self-Care
  4. Daily Anchors and Guided Meditation
You may wish to ask your child/teen if they know about the services available through KidsHelpPhone (a free, 24 hour anonymous counselling and support to children/teens who are struggling with a wide range of issues (i.e. mental health, break-up’s, friendship problems, bullying, etc.)
Phone: 1(800) 668-6868
Text CONNECT to 686868
Messenger, and live webchat

Let them know it’s okay to ask for help if they are struggling, and check out the Kids Help Phone webpage together to see what kinds of resources and information they have. Teens may also want to check out the Covid-19 Youth resource hub:

If you require additional supports our local child and adolescent mental health services are here to support you. Please contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on the services available:

Front Door: Access to Child and Youth Mental Health Services:
Access point for Waterloo Region mental health services for children and youth (519)749-2932
Here 24/7: 24 hour Crisis service, and access point for Mental Health and Addictions services in Waterloo Region (16+): 1-844-437-3247
If this is a medical emergency please contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.

Websites & Apps:

On WCDSB’s main Mental Health and Wellbeing Page you can also find general information about:
  • mental health 101
  • links to age-appropriate videos that can teach your family self-care strategies such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, mindfulness, etc.
  • recognizing signs that your child/teen is struggling
  • tips for having conversations with your child about mental health
  • where to go for help, including a wide range of local supports (info & tools to help manage stress, crisis and mental health concerns) (info & tools to help manage anxiety) free online/phone skill-building program to manage mild-moderate symptoms of anxiety/depression. Age 15+
Apps: Insight Timer, Abide, Woebot, Mind Shift, Calm, BeSafe, Always There
Please note there are mental health supports available to all Canadians during covid at Wellness Together Canada, as well as for residents of Ontario.
Intl Day of the Girl Conference Flyer - EN

News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Counsellor’s Name


Last names

Mrs. O’Toole
A – Dl
Ms. Arkell
Do – Ki
Mr. Betik
Kl – Pl
Mrs. O’Neill
Po – Z
Ms. Varriano Lane
International Students/ICP
Welcome back to all our students, we look forward to seeing you again or meeting you for the first time! We hope you had a safe and restful summer and are ready for a new school year.

This week our Guidance counsellors will be working to correct and adjust timetables. Changes will be available by completing the guidance counsellor's google form (on the school website by going to Student Services > Guidance) before September 13.

Please do not email or call Guidance counsellors directly to make timetable changes. Only students that complete the google form will be able to make a change. Priority will be given to students who need to make the following changes:
  • I am missing the pre-requisite (I am in grade 10 science, but didn't take grade 9 science)
  • I already have this credit (I completed a course in summer school)
  • I am missing a course (I only have 1 course this quadmester)
  • Pathway change (I am in academic, but want to be in applied)
  • Post-secondary requirements (I now need Calculus for Health Sciences)
Please double check your schedules prior to the start of school (after September 3). Some counsellors are still making changes from outstanding requests.

Guidance Google Classrooms

Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:

Grade 9 and 10

Grade 11 and 12

Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor

Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.

Ontario Universities Virtual Fair

Ontario's universities are excited to host the Ontario Universities' Fairs (OUFs) this fall. The OUFs will consist of 2 virtual events:
  • Saturday, September 25, 12 - 2 pm
  • Tuesday, October 26, 5 - 7 pm
All Ontario universities will participate in these free events and anyone may attend - pre-registration is not required.

Each event will be divided up into four 30-minute sessions, where students can learn about the universities of their choice and ask questions. Some universities will offer presentations in French. These events are a great opportunity to get answers about programs, admission requirements, student life and much more.
  • Students should visit the OUInfo website before the event to learn more about Ontario's universities - like which universities offer the programs they're interested in - to help them decide which sessions they want to attend.
  • Suggest students check out the event schedule to see what each university will offer during their session and to plan their time wisely.

Ontario College Virtual Fair

This year's information fair will be a virtual event. Attendees will be able to speak with faculty and staff from 24 of Ontario's colleges in a fully interactive virtual environment. Prospective students can participate in information sessions, learn more about available programs, and how to apply to college. Visit the OCVF website for registration information.
  • Wednesday, November 4, 2020 4 pm - 8 pm
  • Thursday, November 5, 2020 9 am - 1 pm


Interested in learning more about the Specialist High Skills Major program?

Please go to or drop by the coop office on the second floor to speak with Mrs. Crowell



Sports are back!

Check out the sports pages on our website for more information.


Student Activities

Spirit Wear available

Hey Saints! Check out this year's spirit wear items for sale on our online store! Orders are due by Wednesday, September 29 ... don't miss out!

Gradwear available

Attention Grads! Gradwear is now available; check it out and order yours today! Sales open until Wednesday, September 29.

First Civvies Day coming up!!

Our first civvies day is Wed Sept 29th! Be sure to donate on School Cash Online. You will be donating for BOTH civvies days in Quad 1.

Donations support Nutrition For Learning & The Cambridge Self Help Food Bank.

Please review the student handbook for appropriate attire.

Keeping the dream alive...

We are excited to announce that the Saints will be proudly taking part in the 2021 Terry Fox Walk, taking place on Tuesday, September 28! We hope that we can continue to show the great strength and resiliency of our school community with your support of one of our greatest Canadian heroes, Terry Fox.

Let’s all use Terry’s message of hope and strength to inspire us during these challenging times. Check out the link to our school donation site on sac Instagram or on your classroom/d2L pages and donate today!

We are proud to be one of over 9,000 schools coast to coast to coast who will participate to help continue Terry’s dream of a world without cancer. The Terry Fox Foundation needs our support. Please donate to:

Together, we can all make a difference!

Other News

News from the Library

A warm welcome back to all St. Bennies students! Hopefully you’ve had a restful summer and are eager to return to your school community.

Your school library is open! Study rooms and tables are available 8:00am – 1:40pm for quiet, independent study.

Lunch Period

  • Your school library is open for independent study, reference or readers advisory assistance or to get a library card only during lunch.
  • School entrance is locked during the lunch period. Please use the community entrance for library access.

Health and safety measures are in place at all times

  • Masks are required
  • 2-metre physical distancing
  • No food or spillable drinks allowed

Online Resources and Research Help: Your school library website has been updated!

You will find school and WCDSB databases, eBooks and other resources on the Online Resources webpage. These resources do not require a login when you are at school but will require a login when working from home. If you don’t know the login please contact your teacher or the school librarian, Ms. Pilon at

Book a virtual appointment with your school librarian for one-on-one research help! Contact Ms. Pilon at

Teen Events

Idea Exchange has a full suite of teen programs this fall. Check out what’s on here!

Calendar of Events

Thursday, September 23
10:30am: Cross Country meeting in room 308
2:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball tryouts in gym
7:00pm: CCFOWR Speaker Series Social Media Support

Monday, September 27
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball tryouts in Gym

Tuesday, September 28
8:00am: Terry Fox Run
2:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball tryouts in Gym
6:00pm: Catholic School Advisory Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 29
Gradwear orders due
Spirit Wear orders due
Civvies Day
8:00am: Terry Fox Run (rain date)

Thursday, September 30
Orange Shirt Day

Tuesday, October 5
World Teachers' Day
Wednesday, October 6
BENN Newsletter release

Thursday, October 7
Turn Around Date for Careers/Civics
2:30pm: Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Friday, October 8
PA Day

Monday, October 11

Friday, October 15
School Start Up Forms & Fees Due
IEP Distribution

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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