Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - Volume 14, Issue 4

Message from Administration


On behalf of the Administration team, our hope for you is that this Thanksgiving Weekend provides you time to delight in the riches of the fall season, enjoy your time with family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Mrs. M. Ingoldsby

Ms. E. Riley
Vice Principal
Bo-G & International

Mr. R. Stehlik
Vice Principal

Mr. R. Roque
Vice Principal

School Cash Online Important Reminder

School Start-Up Forms and Fees

2021-2022 Consent Forms are MANDATORY for all Students
If you haven’t already, sign in to complete mandatory start up forms as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Register

Please submit forms and fees by October 15.

Catholic Schools Advisory Council

St. Benedict’s Catholic Advisory Council (formerly School Council) is a group of parents, guardians, community members, teachers and administrators committed to making our high school a great place to learn and grow! The council sees family involvement as one of its main priorities and is committed to welcoming parents into the St. Benedict community by increasing communication, removing barriers and creating opportunities to get involved!

Meetings are from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on various Tuesday’s and are typically held on Microsoft Teams or in Room 111.

If you would like to be a regularly participating member of the advisory council and receive agendas in advance of the meetings, please complete the CSAC Parent Candidate Form and email the completed form to

Parent-Student-Teacher Interview - Reminder

A friendly reminder that Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews are taking place Thursday, October 7 between 2:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon and 5:00 and 7:00 in the evening. To book an appointment please click here.
If you are experiencing any difficulties booking an interview, please contact the office 519-621-4050 ext. 5601. Thank you and have a great day.

Student Individual Education Plan Distribution

If your son or daughter is on an Individual Education Plan, please know that a copy of their IEP will be sent home with them the week of October 18th. For hybrid students, a copy will be sent in the mail.

Parents/Guardians are asked to please review the IEP and sign the consultation page. We highly encourage families to scan a copy of the signed consultation page and email the electronic copy to their child’s IEP monitor. A list of IEP monitors with a link to their email addresses can be found on our school website under Student Services – Student Success. Families also have the option of having their child drop off the signed consultation page to their homeroom teacher or to room 210.

An IEP Guide for Parents pamphlet will be attached to the copy of the students IEP. An electronic version can be found on the school website under Student Services – Program Support.

Please contact the Student Success Centre at Ext 5210, if you have any questions or concerns or if you did not receive a copy.

St. Benedict IEP Monitors

Michelle Fournier: A-D
Andreia Borba: E-He
Amy Healy: Hi-Mi
Ellen Missio: Mo-O & Active Living
John Malnerich: P-Z

WCDSB COVID-19 Operational Guidelines & Updated Daily School & Child Care Screening

As we get ready to head back to school, we are truly looking forward to a year that allows us to embrace a renewed love of learning, within our faith-based communities.
We remain very grateful for your continued support as we navigate life in the COVID-19 era, and remain ready and willing to assist you as we transition back to what will undoubtedly be a #WCDSBAwesome year!
Please review our full Operational Guidelines to ensure you understand how we are ensuring a safe and happy return to school.
In addition, please be aware of the ongoing expectation that all students, staff and visitors are expected to each day complete the required provincial government COVID-19 Daily Screener online, or download and print a hard copy for daily reference.

Food for thought...

Start the day right... with a nutritious bite!

Did you have time to eat breakfast this morning? or Did you forget your lunch and don't have any money to buy something? Well Nutrition for Learning breakfast cart has you covered. Stop by the breakfast cart between 7:40 - 8am, located in the Atrium or doors by the gym and grab some snacks off the cart for FREE!! Yes, that's right I said free food! Hope to see you at the Breakfast Cart!!

Significant Days & Dates

Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.

Christmas Break:
December 20 to 30, 2021 (Classes resume January 3)
March Break:
March 14, 2022 to March 18, 2022
Professional Activity Days:
Friday, October 8, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Friday, April 8, 2022
Friday, June 3, 2022

Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!





Mental Health and Supports

Parent Wellbeing Series:

A series of four 10-20 minute videos focusing on parent/caregiver wellbeing:
  1. Self-Compassion
  2. Recognizing Signs of Internal Struggle
  3. Radical Self-Care
  4. Daily Anchors and Guided Meditation
You may wish to ask your child/teen if they know about the services available through KidsHelpPhone (a free, 24 hour anonymous counselling and support to children/teens who are struggling with a wide range of issues (i.e. mental health, break-up’s, friendship problems, bullying, etc.)
Phone: 1(800) 668-6868
Text CONNECT to 686868
Messenger, and live webchat

Let them know it’s okay to ask for help if they are struggling, and check out the Kids Help Phone webpage together to see what kinds of resources and information they have. Teens may also want to check out the Covid-19 Youth resource hub:

If you require additional supports our local child and adolescent mental health services are here to support you. Please contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on the services available:

Front Door: Access to Child and Youth Mental Health Services:
Access point for Waterloo Region mental health services for children and youth (519)749-2932
Here 24/7: 24 hour Crisis service, and access point for Mental Health and Addictions services in Waterloo Region (16+): 1-844-437-3247
If this is a medical emergency please contact 911 or visit your local emergency department.

Websites & Apps:

On WCDSB’s main Mental Health and Wellbeing Page you can also find general information about:
  • mental health 101
  • links to age-appropriate videos that can teach your family self-care strategies such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, mindfulness, etc.
  • recognizing signs that your child/teen is struggling
  • tips for having conversations with your child about mental health
  • where to go for help, including a wide range of local supports (info & tools to help manage stress, crisis and mental health concerns) (info & tools to help manage anxiety) free online/phone skill-building program to manage mild-moderate symptoms of anxiety/depression. Age 15+
Apps: Insight Timer, Abide, Woebot, Mind Shift, Calm, BeSafe, Always There
Please note there are mental health supports available to all Canadians during covid at Wellness Together Canada, as well as for residents of Ontario.
Intl Day of the Girl Conference Flyer - EN

News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Counsellor’s Name


Last names

Mrs. O’Toole
A – Dl
Ms. Arkell
Do – Ki
Mr. Betik
Kl – Pl
Mrs. O’Neill
Po – Z
Ms. Varriano Lane
International Students/ICP

Guidance Google Classrooms

Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:

Grade 9 and 10

Grade 11 and 12

Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor

Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.

Ontario Universities Virtual Fair

Ontario's universities are excited to host the Ontario Universities' Fairs (OUFs) this fall. Did you miss the one on September 25? There is a second one on Tuesday, October 26 from 5 to 7 pm.

All Ontario universities will participate in these free events and anyone may attend - pre-registration is not required.

Each event will be divided up into four 30-minute sessions, where students can learn about the universities of their choice and ask questions. Some universities will offer presentations in French. These events are a great opportunity to get answers about programs, admission requirements, student life and much more.
  • Students should visit the OUInfo website before the event to learn more about Ontario's universities - like which universities offer the programs they're interested in - to help them decide which sessions they want to attend.
  • Suggest students check out the event schedule to see what each university will offer during their session and to plan their time wisely.

Ontario College Virtual Fair

This year's information fair will be a virtual event. Attendees will be able to speak with faculty and staff from 24 of Ontario's colleges in a fully interactive virtual environment. Prospective students can participate in information sessions, learn more about available programs, and how to apply to college. Visit the OCVF website for registration information.
  • Wednesday, November 4, 2020 4 pm - 8 pm
  • Thursday, November 5, 2020 9 am - 1 pm


Interested in learning more about the Specialist High Skills Major program?

Please go to or drop by the coop office on the second floor to speak with Mrs. Crowell



Sports are back!

Check out the sports pages on our website for more information.

Basketball at St Benedict is back!

Congratulations to the Junior Girls basketball team who had a convincing 32-4 first win over the Rockway Flames Monday night in our gym. It was a total team effort. The girls will take on Resurrection in their next game Wednesday after school.

Sports Results

Rockway MC 4, St. Benedict CSS 32

Looking to see when and where the Saints play next?

See the calendar at the bottom of the newsletter



Are you the KING?

Have you always thought that a pawn Shop was a place where chess players hang out? Have you seen Searching for Bobby Fisher 10 times? Well then do we have a new club for you, Chess Club! Any interested members can come see Mr. Mathé and Mr. Sanders in room 125 this Thursday at lunch for our first ever meeting. Whether you are a new player or consider yourself a grandmaster all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

GSA Club

Come out to join this fantastic group of individuals who identify as LGBTQTIA2S+ and their allies!We aim to create a safe, welcoming and accepting school environment for all – regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
When we meet: Wednesdays at 3:30 through Google Meets.
We are hoping for some outdoor meetings while the weather is nice, and we will post on Google Classroom, so watch for updates!

Google Classroom link:

The Clubs of Room 216 are back!

After a long hiatus we are back with more opportunities to sharpen their skills and have some fun!

If you are interested in joining either of these clubs, please complete this questionnaire and Mr. Milardovic will inform you once the clubs start up again.

Coding Club

Are you interested in learning how to code? Or do you know how to code and are looking for a challenge? If so, Coding club is for you!

Coding club is a good place to start if you are considering taking the grade 11 programming course, but students of all skills and level of interest are invited to join!

Students with programming experience will get an opportunity to try past ECOO and UW programming contests to prepare for those contests in February and March, and participate in Project Euler online to test their programming prowess!

Programming experience is not necessary, but a keen interest to learn is!

Finance Club

If I had a million dollars…. how often have you thought about it? Is it possible to ever have a million dollars (other than by winning a lottery or robbing a bank, neither of which we recommend)?

The Finance Club is a chance for students who are interested in the world of investing and financial instruments to get together to share their passions, and look at what it takes to have a seven-digit figure in the bank. We will look at stocks, investing, and run a bit of a contest to see who can build a money making portfolio.

Another important component of the club is financial literacy—knowing what to do with your money, from earning it to spending it, saving, and investing. It’s the important money stuff that most people don’t know where to turn to get.

E-car club returns

The "Racing Saints " E-car club with be having a brief but important meeting on Wednesday, October 13 at 1:45 in room A4!

Student Activities

Hey Saints!

Have a great idea?

Want it to be run by SAC?

Fill out the suggestion QR forms posted around the school and
on the Bennies SAC instagram & maybe it will flourish into an event!

Other News

News from the Library

A warm welcome back to all St. Bennies students! Hopefully you’ve had a restful summer and are eager to return to your school community.

Your school library is open! Study rooms and tables are available 8:00am – 1:40pm for quiet, independent study.

Lunch Period

  • Your school library is open for independent study, reference or readers advisory assistance or to get a library card only during lunch.
  • School entrance is locked during the lunch period. Please use the community entrance for library access.

Health and safety measures are in place at all times

  • Masks are required
  • 2-metre physical distancing
  • No food or spillable drinks allowed

Online Resources and Research Help: Your school library website has been updated!

You will find school and WCDSB databases, eBooks and other resources on the Online Resources webpage. These resources do not require a login when you are at school but will require a login when working from home. If you don’t know the login please contact your teacher or the school librarian, Ms. Pilon at

Book a virtual appointment with your school librarian for one-on-one research help! Contact Ms. Pilon at

Teen Events

Idea Exchange has a full suite of teen programs this fall. Check out what’s on here!
Youth Wellness Hub 2
As October begins, we are excited to have a full range of Programs and Services available at the Youth Wellness Hub. If you are looking for children and/or adult programming, feel free to contact me and I will put you in touch with the appropriate Langs Staff. Our service providers (mental health, employment, etc.) continue to do most of their work virtually, but they are more accessible than ever by phone, email and more. Check out the links near the bottom of the update to connect with them directly.

We invite you to visit and bookmark our Padlet link for the most up to date program and services information:

YWH Programs

Virtual Programs:
STEAM at Home – Grade 6-12 – no cost
We will explore science, technology, engineering, arts, and math in a whole new way. Teens will receive a monthly supply box and then log into Zoom to participate in weekly challenges, builds, or activities with Langs staff and other youth.
Monday 4pm-5pm
Register online:

Still Yoga – Grade 6-12 – no cost
Join us every Thursday as we roll out our mats and improve self-control, flexibility, relaxation and mindfulness.
Thursday 4-5pm
Register online:

Kitchen Kreations – Grade 1-12 – no cost
Learn to make simple meals and snacks. We deliver the ingredients and you join us on Zoom to receive all the instructions you need to make a great meal or snack.
Thursday 6-7pm
Register online:

Food & Mood – All ages – video series on Instagram
Every Tuesday, check out @langsyouth on Instagram to view a new wellness video that highlights self-care, enhancing our mood, and great healthy snack ideas

In Person Programs:
Tech Centre – Grade 6-12 – no cost
Wi-fi, computers, printing, employment, gaming, design, programming.
By appointment Monday & Wednesday 4-7pm; Tues & Thursday 1-5pm; Friday 1-4pm
Call 519-653-1470 x361 or text 519-807-1855 to book.

Hoops – Grade 6-12 – no cost
Work on your individual basketball skills in the Langs gym.
By appointment Monday & Wednesday 6pm-8pm
Call 519-653-1470 x361 or text 519-807-1855 to book.

Makerspace – Grade 6-12
Create and make in an art space with self-directed projects weekly.
Tuesday & Friday 2-4pm
Call 519-653-1470 x361 or text 519-807-1855 to book.

Coding Club – Grade 6-12
Learn more about coding in the Tech Centre
Wednesday 7-8pm
Call 519-653-1470 x361 or text 519-807-1855 to book.
YWH Partner's Corner

The YWH is home to many community partners who provide services to our community.

One of our employment partners has a NEW website. We invite you to learn more about the services offered by Cambridge Career Connections by visiting their updated site. There are sections for job seekers, employers, and even educators to request student workshops. Check our their job board, a great resource for the youth in your home, your students, or even yourself! Enjoy exploring

YWH Partner Services

Langs Social Work -
Front Door –
Cambridge Career Connections –
Lutherwood –
Carizon - Programs -
Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council -

Mental Health Resources

Kids Help Phone is available 24 hrs a day at 1-800-668-6868 and also have text and Facebook support. Visit their website to learn more

Front Door is available by phone: 519-749-2932. Check out their website for their hours of operation and other resources

Langs Social Workers are available for youth and their families in Cambridge by calling intake at 519.653.1470. More information can be found here:

Calendar of Events

Thursday, October 7
Turn Around Date for Careers/Civics
2:00pm: Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Friday, October 8
PA Day

Monday, October 11

Wednesday, October 13
Courtyard Coffee House
1:00pm: Jr. Boys Football vs St. David CSS
1:45pm: E-car club meeting
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs Monsignor Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Football vs St. David CSS
3:30pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ St. Mary's HS
3:30pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ St. Mary's HS

Thursday, October 14
8:30am: Tennis: District 8 Championship

Friday, October 15
8:00am: Cross Country: District 8 Pre-Championship Races
3:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ St. Mary's HS
Monday, October 18
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ ES Père-René-de-Galinée
4:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball @ ES Père-René-de-Galinée

Tuesday, October 19
IEP Distribution

Wednesday, October 20
BENN Newsletter release
1:00pm: Jr. Boys Football @ St. Mary's HS
3:00pm: Sr. Girls Basketball vs St. David CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball @ Msgr Doyle CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Football @ St. Mary's HS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball @ Msgr Doyle CSS
4:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball vs St. David CSS

Friday, October 22
8:00am: Cross Country: District 8 Pre-Championship Races

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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