Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - Volume 14, Issue 5

Message from Administration

Since the last BENN newsletter, our school has seen a substantial increase in club and athletics activity. We are excited to see students getting involved in ways that the past year and a half have made impossible. We hope that our students are enjoying their academic experience with face to face classes and we look forward to moving to an even more normal schedule in the second semester as vaccinations and protocols positively impact COVID case counts. We were also blessed with three beautiful days for the Thanksgiving weekend and we hope that your family had an opportunity to reflect on those things that you are grateful for.
We would like to share two upcoming items of note.
  1. Pick Up and Drop Off of students. We are sending out email and phone communication to all SBCSS families with the message found below this introductory message (with maps). We expect that busing and student safety will be positively affected by this change.
  2. Student Census. Within this BENN, we are sharing information about a student census conducted by the WCDSB with the goal of eliminating systemic racism and advancing racial equity. All relevant info is found in that section and we ask that you consider taking part as we do what we can to reach this challenging but attainable goal.

Admin Team

Mrs. M. Ingoldsby

Ms. E. Riley
Vice Principal
Bo-G & International

Mr. R. Stehlik
Vice Principal

Mr. R. Roque
Vice Principal

Student pick-up and drop-off

In an attempt to keep our students safe, our fire routes available for emergencies, and to minimize bus delays, St. Benedict CSS is adjusting their student pick up and drop off process. Starting Monday October 25, all students that are dropped off or picked by car will need to do so in the parking area just off Green Vista Drive before and after school. The green arrows on the "School Traffic Flow" Map indicates the entrance and direction of traffic flow. Signs will be on site to help with this.
The second map shows community streets which could be used as a "Drive to 5" location - a spot where students may be dropped off giving a short walk to/from the school. This will allow a drop off/pick up off-site to avoid and further help with vehicular congestion. All other bus and parking procedures will remain the same. Thank you for assisting in this!

Student Census

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you are aware, we have our WCDSB Student Census beginning in just over 2 weeks. We invite you to please have a look at the census here:

The purpose of the WCDSB Student Census is to eliminate systemic racism and advance racial equity in the WCDSB as authorized by the Anti-Racism Act in s.7(2). The WCDSB Student Census is a confidential and voluntary survey for all students from Grades 4 to 12 that students will complete with their classroom teacher during class time. The results and analysis of the census will allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the diversity of students within the WCDSB and of the cultural, social and demographic makeup of our students.

The WCDSB Students Census is voluntary. Any student may choose not to participate, to stop participating, or to skip a question at any time. Additionally, parents/guardians of students under 18 years of age can ask that their child be exempt from participating in the census. As part of our communication campaign, information has been distributed electronically by school Newswire, on our website, and on social media. As you will read within the Student Census information, there is an OPT out opportunity, this process is explained within the link. The OPT out option is available until October 25th should parents choose this.

We look forward to sharing the results from the Student Census as it becomes available.

WCDSB COVID-19 Operational Guidelines & Updated Daily School & Child Care Screening

As we get ready to head back to school, we are truly looking forward to a year that allows us to embrace a renewed love of learning, within our faith-based communities.
We remain very grateful for your continued support as we navigate life in the COVID-19 era, and remain ready and willing to assist you as we transition back to what will undoubtedly be a #WCDSBAwesome year!
Please review our full Operational Guidelines to ensure you understand how we are ensuring a safe and happy return to school.
In addition, please be aware of the ongoing expectation that all students, staff and visitors are expected to each day complete the required provincial government COVID-19 Daily Screener online, or download and print a hard copy for daily reference.

Significant Days & Dates

Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.

Christmas Break:
December 20 to 30, 2021 (Classes resume January 3)
March Break:
March 14, 2022 to March 18, 2022
Professional Activity Days:
Friday, November 19, 2021
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Friday, April 8, 2022
Friday, June 3, 2022

Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!





School Cash Online Important Reminder

School Start-Up Forms and Fees

2021-2022 Consent Forms are MANDATORY for all Students
If you haven’t already, sign in to complete mandatory start up forms as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Register

Please submit forms as soon as possible. Thank you!

News from Guidance

Who is your Guidance Counsellor?

Counsellor’s Name


Last names

Mrs. O’Toole
A – Dl
Ms. Arkell
Do – Ki
Mr. Betik
Kl – Pl
Mrs. O’Neill
Po – Z
Ms. Varriano Lane
International Students/ICP

Guidance Google Classrooms

Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:

Grade 9 and 10

Grade 11 and 12

Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor

Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.

Ontario Universities Virtual Fair

Ontario's universities are excited to host the Ontario Universities' Fairs (OUFs) this fall. Did you miss the one on September 25? There is a second one on Tuesday, October 26 from 5 to 7 pm.

All Ontario universities will participate in these free events and anyone may attend - pre-registration is not required.

Each event will be divided up into four 30-minute sessions, where students can learn about the universities of their choice and ask questions. Some universities will offer presentations in French. These events are a great opportunity to get answers about programs, admission requirements, student life and much more.
  • Students should visit the OUInfo website before the event to learn more about Ontario's universities - like which universities offer the programs they're interested in - to help them decide which sessions they want to attend.
  • Suggest students check out the event schedule to see what each university will offer during their session and to plan their time wisely.

University PINS are in!

University PINS have arrived and will be available for pick-up today tomorrow (Thursday) at lunch in room 111. Please note that this is for university applicants. Students applying to college only do not require an OUAC PIN.

Ontario College Virtual Fair

This year's information fair will be a virtual event. Attendees will be able to speak with faculty and staff from 24 of Ontario's colleges in a fully interactive virtual environment. Prospective students can participate in information sessions, learn more about available programs, and how to apply to college. Visit the OCVF website for registration information.
  • Wednesday, November 4, 2020 4 pm - 8 pm
  • Thursday, November 5, 2020 9 am - 1 pm

Need some EXTRA SUPPORT with your classes?

HOMEWORK CLUB has started in ROOM 210. This club will help you with your LITERACY and NUMERACY needs. This program will run every Monday and Wednesday after school until the end of the school year - that's right all the way until JUNE! Come out join us! We look forward to helping you in your learning journey!

Pathways to the Trades

Looking for every day at work to be different? Interested in earning while learning? Do you enjoy solving problems? Or working with your hands? These are some of the benefits of a career in the skilled trades.

Our next virtual Explore Your Future panel includes Andie Davidson, Dan Orchard, Braeden Borges and Anabela DeAraujo They will share what skilled trade they chose and why. They will describe their current job and the journey they've taken since high school to get to this place in their career. We will also have special guests to share how to get involved in apprenticeships in high school or at college.


Interested in learning more about the Specialist High Skills Major program?

Please go to or drop by the coop office on the second floor to speak with Mrs. Crowell



Sports are back!

Check out the sports pages on our website for more information.

Bennie's Tennis Team places 3rd

Shout out to Saint Benedict's Tennis Team for placing 3rd overall at our D8 tournament last Thursday. They were all amazing! It was a personal best for all the following players:
  • Adebodun Alaka and Oluwakarda Alaka - who placed 3rd in Boys' Doubles.
  • Victoria Milardovic - who placed 3rd in Girls' Singles.
  • Jacob Vieno and Erica Miranda - who placed 2nd in Mixed Doubles.

Sports Results

St. Benedict CSS 52, Resurrection CSS 18
Monsignor Doyle CSS 11, St. Benedict CSS 78
St. Benedict CSS 47, Père-René-De-Galinée 16

St. Benedict CSS 23, Resurrection CSS 14
St. Benedict CSS 31, Père-René-De-Galinée 33

St. Benedict CSS 2, St. Mary's HS 3
Monsignor Doyle CSS 2, St. Benedict CSS 3

St. Benedict CSS 3, St. Mary's HS 0
St. Benedict CSS 3, Monsignor Doyle CSS 2

Looking to see when and where the Saints play next?

See the calendar at the bottom of the newsletter

Golfers are D8 champs!

Edit this to insert teYour varsity girls and boys golf team competed for the D8 Championship on Tuesday at the Cambridge golf club. The boys looked to defend their title and did not disappoint! The team of Andreas Diogenous, Matthew Whitehead, Peter Carnaeige, Connor Jupp, and Aidan Boone crushed the competition to take home their second title in a row! Special shout outs go to Andreas Diogenous who shot a 10 under par 62 to win the D8 MVP and Marianne Linsinigan who won a silver as a single for the girls

Girls Hockey meeting

Attention all girls! If you are interested in playing on the Varsity Girls Hockey Team this year, there will be a brief information meeting at lunch Thursday, October 21 in room 325. If you have any questions or can't make the meeting, but are interested in joining, please speak to Miss Buhlman asap!

Boys Hockey meeting

All Students interested in playing for the Varsity boys hockey team: there will be a brief meeting on Monday, October 25th in the Lecture Hall at Lunch. Tryouts start in November.



Are you the KING?

Have you always thought that a pawn Shop was a place where chess players hang out? Have you seen Searching for Bobby Fisher 10 times? Well then do we have a new club for you, Chess Club is back in full swing! Come see Mr. Mathé and Mr. Sanders in room 125 at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Whether you are a new player or consider yourself a grandmaster, all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

A Message from Bennies GSA Club

Did you know that International pronouns day was on Monday? It is a day to recognize the importance of asking for and respecting people's pronouns. If you're not sure of someone's pronouns just ask and they will tell you if they feel comfortable. Some might stick to one set of pronouns but others might experiment with their pronouns. No matter how someone wants to be addressed it is important to respect them.

The Clubs of Room 216 are back!

New members always welcome!

If you are interested in joining either of these clubs, please complete this questionnaire and meet with Mr. Milardovic in room 216!

Coding Club



Are you interested in learning how to code? Or do you know how to code and are looking for a challenge? If so, Coding club is for you!

Coding club is a good place to start if you are considering taking the grade 11 programming course, but students of all skills and level of interest are invited to join!

Students with programming experience will get an opportunity to try past ECOO and UW programming contests to prepare for those contests in February and March, and participate in Project Euler online to test their programming prowess!

Programming experience is not necessary, but a keen interest to learn is!

Finance Club



If I had a million dollars…. how often have you thought about it? Is it possible to ever have a million dollars (other than by winning a lottery or robbing a bank, neither of which we recommend)?

The Finance Club is a chance for students who are interested in the world of investing and financial instruments to get together to share their passions, and look at what it takes to have a seven-digit figure in the bank. We will look at stocks, investing, and run a bit of a contest to see who can build a money making portfolio.

Another important component of the club is financial literacy—knowing what to do with your money, from earning it to spending it, saving, and investing. It’s the important money stuff that most people don’t know where to turn to get.

Student Activities

Hey Saints!

Have a great idea?

Want it to be run by SAC?

Fill out the suggestion QR forms posted around the school and
on the Bennies SAC instagram & maybe it will flourish into an event!

Other News

News from the Library

Nothing new from the library in this issue! Stay tuned. :-)

Calendar of Events

Thursday, October 21
10:30am: Girls Hockey Information meeting
10:30am: GSA Club
10:30am: Chess Club
1:40pm: Math Club
1:40pm: Games Club

Friday, October 22
8:00am: Cross Country: District 8 Pre-Championship Races

Monday, October 25
10:30am: Boys Hockey information meeting
10:30am: Coding Club
1:45pm: Homework club
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Volleyball vs Woodland CHS
3:00pm: Jr. Boys Volleyball vs Woodland CHS
3:30pm: Jr. Girls Basketball @ Woodland CHS

Tuesday, October 26
10:30am: Chess Club
10:30am: Finance Club
1:00pm: Jr. Boys Football vs Resurrection CSS
3:00pm: Sr. Boys Football vs Resurrection CSS

Wednesday, October 27
Civvies Day
10:30am: Coding Club
1:45pm: Homework club

Thursday, October 28
10:30am: GSA Club
10:30am: Chess Club
1:40pm: Math Club
1:40pm: Games Club
Friday, October 29
Cross Country: District 8 Championship

Monday, November 1
8:00am: Photo Retake
10:30am: Coding Club
1:45pm: Homework club

Tuesday, November 2
10:30am: Chess Club
10:30am: Finance Club

Wednesday, November 3
Take Our Kids to Work Day
BENN Newsletter release
10:30am: Coding Club
1:45pm: Homework club

Thursday, November 4
10:30am: GSA Club
10:30am: Chess Club
1:40pm: Math Club
1:40pm: Games Club

Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!

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