Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - Volume 14, Issue 17
SBCSS Students featured on CBC Radio
Last Tuesday, host Craig Norris and producer Kate Bueckert from the radio program 'CBC The Morning Edition - K-W with Craig Norris' came to Ms. Penner's period 2 HSB4U Challenge and Change class. They interviewed several grade 12U students about their engagement and perspectives ahead of the provincial election on June 2. The students shared their opinions about many political and social issues they feel represent their generation and some of the issues they feel are not being addressed and that they find concerning. The article and video were published today, and the spot aired this morning on CBC radio after the 7:00 news.
Both Craig and Kate expressed numerous times - very emphatically - how impressed they were with the engagement of the students, how well spoken they were and just what a general great group of students they are.
Check out the article, photos, and video on the CBC website.
Craig Norris talks to students in a Grade 12 Challenges and Change in Society class. (Photo courtesy of Kate Bueckert/CBC)
Grad 2022 update
The St. Benedict CSS Grad Committee and staff are excited to be preparing for an in-person graduation ceremony for the Graduating Class of 2022. As always, we must add in the disclaimer that all plans are tentative and are based on Public Health restrictions and requirements.
Having said that, we ask you to save the date for the evening of Monday, June 27th. We are planning for an in-person ceremony at "Forward Church" in Cambridge. Much more information will be announced in the coming weeks. We will keep the most up to date information posted on our website and our Grad Webpage - https://stbenedict.wcdsb.ca/grad2022/. Please check this page every so often to see these updates.
As communicated earlier to our community, we will not be hosting a school run prom. We are instead putting our focus on our graduation celebration. There is also more information on this (as sent out through an earlier School Messenger) on the Grad web page.
We all look forward to celebrating with our 2022 St. Benedict Graduates and their families!!
Significant Days & Dates
Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.
Professional Activity Day:
Mid-Term Report Cards
Will be distributed to students in their homeroom classes on Wednesday, May 4th.
Hybrid and E-Learn students will receive their report card in the mail shortly after the 4th.
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
Grad Fee reminder!
The fee for Grade 12 St. Benedict CSS students that are intending to participate in our Convocation with the Class of 2022 and would like to attend the Convocation Ceremony on June 27, 2022, at Forward Church has been posted on School Cash online! Updated information regarding all ceremony plans can be found on our grad webpage - https://stbenedict.wcdsb.ca/grad2022/. Please check this page every so often to see these updates.
Make sure to select your gown size so we can order the appropriate gowns size for you.
School Cash Online closes on April 29th so make sure to get your order in if you want to be a part of the Grade 12 convocation celebration.
Saints to dedicate tree
On Arbor Day, Friday, April 29th - St Benedict’s will celebrate all that trees do for us and what we can do for them with the launch of Tree Trust Campaign in our Waterloo Region community. We have been working with this local group who is dedicated to maintaining and restoring legacy trees in our community. On this day, Arborists will practice their craft as they steward our majestic Bur Oak and we will hear from our some of our grade 12 English students from Ms. Weiditch’s class as they have explored these themes through their classwork.
The Bur Oak by the path near Canamera Parkway.
They have also been tasked with naming the illustrious tree to honour the achievements, perseverance, and determination the class of 2022 has shown throughout their academic study. A vote was open to all grade 12 students and the name will be unveiled during this ceremony.
We will also welcome Mayor McGarry will also be joining us for this celebration to say a few words about the importance of preserving our community’s legacy trees.
WCDSB wants your input!
Dear Waterloo Catholic Community
We hope that you are well and that you have been enjoying a pleasant start to the spring season, even if spring has not fully informed winter it is time to step aside. Today’s letter is primarily focused on an invitation to invite your feedback, however before I discuss that, I will provide a brief update in relation to the pandemic.
As previously communicated, the province has altered its expectations, in regards to masking and to some of our in-school protocols. While we are all at the point where we would like the pandemic to be done with us, I remind everyone in our community that daily screening is still necessary and anyone not feeling fully well should not be attending school. Further, while masks are optional, they are still highly encouraged in our schools and classrooms.
As a Board we like to continually review and assess how effectively we are meeting our strategic priorities. We have opportunities to do so on a regular basis through our various trustee Board meetings and in other venues, but on occasion we also like to reach out to our full Waterloo Catholic community for your feedback. This has been less frequent – in relation to the strategic plan – over the past 2 years, due to the pandemic. This year we would like to return to that practice.
From Monday April 11th to Thursday April 21st we will have available a community survey on our Multi-Year Strategic Plan. It will be an opportunity to rate and comment upon our progress to stated goals, as well as a key opportunity to help shape the future strategic plan. Depending on your role and place in the WCDSB community, you may wish to reflect upon the goals in relation to your own school or reality. We realize that the pandemic has impeded our ability to fully realize some of our goals, and perhaps that may be part of the consideration when completing the survey, but we welcome your impressions so that we can continue to improve and be as responsive as possible to the voice of our community.
The survey should not take much more than 10 minutes to complete and will be available at this link MYSP Survey as of April 11th. It will also be featured prominently at www.wcdsb.ca.
As we continue to journey through the Lenten season, we pray that the love of our Lord, who sacrificed His life for us, might fill your hearts and homes. We continue to be grounded by our pastoral theme – Sent to Build – and reflect on our symbol of the bridge. We rejoice on the journey of encounter and accompaniment that we are all on, as a community at Waterloo Catholic.
Daily Screening
A reminder that students must complete the daily screening: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/ before leaving home each day. This daily screening tool gives information on how to handle various personal/family symptoms scenarios. Should the guidance be to stay home from school, we ask that you contact the attendance office to report your student’s absence by calling the direct line 519-621-4001, or emailing SBEN.Attendance@wcdsb.ca
Attention Students:
It always happens at the worst moment: you just need to complete that essay, so you open your Chromebook or laptop, and try to connect to your school account, and.... nothing. You're locked out. And it's Friday evening, you're at home, so there is no way you can get someone to reset your password for you.
Fortunately, you have the power in your hands. If you click on the graphic below, you will be taken to a PDF document which will allow you to set up your Self-Service Authentication. What this does is allow you to access a password reset function by linking your school account to your mobile phone or other email address, or by setting up security questions. Students are encouraged to complete this process so they can recover their accounts on their own should they find themselves locked out of their account.
Chromebook Reminder for Students
Don't Just Close the Lid on your Chromebook
Make sure you actually log out at the end of the day. Logging out and then logging back in will clear the memory/cache of the device and will run software updates. The reason that Chromebooks are so quick for their entire life cycle is because they automatically clear their working memory every time you log out and log back in. Chromebooks have a limited space on them, and if they aren't cleared regularly, they do slow down and won't allow Read and Write to install as an example (not enough working memory available). Keep your Chromebook fast and DON'T JUST CLOSE THE LID!!
News from Guidance
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
International Students/ICP
Guidance Google Classrooms
Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:
Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor
Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.
After school support sessions for students
The Ministry of Education has recently announced a grant for schools to provide FREE after school tutoring for students. This is welcomed news and may provide some additional support for students who have had their learning interrupted as a result of the pandemic.
Students are welcome to attend these “drop in” tutoring sessions that will be offered Monday through Thursday every week. The sessions will last one hour in duration and will be offered four times per week. Various teachers will be available to support students working on assignments, homework and/or test preparation in their courses. We are hopeful that this will be a great opportunity for your child to improve their level of achievement in their courses, complete outstanding work or receive extra help with challenging concepts. The sessions will begin on Tuesday, April 19th and run until June 20th, 2022.
If this is an opportunity that you think would benefit your student, please register on the attached flyer or have them drop in.
Tutoring Program Schedule
Location: Room 206 & 207 Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Dates: April 19th to June 20th, 2022
If you have any questions about the program, please contact the school.
Need some extra help with LITERACY or NUMERACY?
Homework Club
is back and running
Mondays beginning at 2pm
Wednesdays at LUNCH
Room 210
Watch this space in the next issue for updates from spring sports!
Sports Results
ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 0, St. Benedict CSS 7
ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 0, St. Benedict CSS 2
Hey Saints!
Have a great idea?
Want it to be run by SAC?
Fill out the suggestion QR forms posted around the school and
on the Bennies SAC instagram & maybe it will flourish into an event!
Here is a reminder of our student expectations for the library for the rest of the spring semester:
- Group study is permitted up to a maximum of FIVE (5) students per table or study room as social distancing requirements have been lifted. Please do not move chairs or tables around.
- NO FOOD is permitted in the library during school hours. After school, simple snacks that are not messy, smelly or noisy are permitted.
- If you can’t find a seat in the library during lunch, then we have reached our capacity. Please find another place to spend lunch hour.
- Please be respectful of library staff.
Full operating hours
Idea Exchange are back to regular hours. A reminder that the inside library doors lock at 1:55pm. To access the library after school, please use the public entrance. Students who require study space after school please visit Idea Exchange Current Services for our regular hours of operation.
A reminder that exclusive teacher and student access remains from Monday to Friday, 8:00-10:00am.
Thursday, April 21 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: ACE Robotics Team 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Games Club
Friday, April 22 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, April 25 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Homework club 2:00pm: Debate Club
Tuesday, April 26 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Chess Club 10:30am: Finance Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring
Wednesday, April 27 Civvies Day 10:30am: Seams Sew Easy club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Yearbook Club Meeting 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Homework club
Thursday, April 28 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: ACE Robotics Team 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Games Club
Friday, April 29 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Star Trek Club 12:00pm: Tree Trust Event 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
Sunday, May 1 Catholic Education Week
Monday, May 2 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Homework club 2:00pm: Debate Club
Tuesday, May 3 8:00am: CEW MASS Grades 9 & 11 - Period 1 9:20am: CEW Mass Grades 10 & 12 - Period 2 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Chess Club 10:30am: Finance Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring
Wednesday, May 4 Mid-Term Report Distribution Date BENN Newsletter release 10:30am: Seams Sew Easy club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Yearbook Club Meeting 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Homework club
Thursday, May 5 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: ACE Robotics Team 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Games Club
Friday, May 6 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
Sunday, May 8 Mother's Day
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!