Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - Volume 14, Issue 19
Wednesday May 25th
is our last civvies day of the year!
Donate on school cash online.
Donations are supporting Relay for Life this month. Please reference the student handbook for school appropriate attire.
Grad 2022 update
The St. Benedict CSS Grad Committee and staff are excited to be preparing for an in-person graduation ceremony for the Graduating Class of 2022. As always, we must add in the disclaimer that all plans are tentative and are based on Public Health restrictions and requirements.
Having said that, we ask you to save the date for the evening of Monday, June 27th. We are planning for an in-person ceremony at "Forward Church" in Cambridge. Much more information will be announced in the coming weeks. We will keep the most up to date information posted on our website and our Grad Webpage - https://stbenedict.wcdsb.ca/grad2022/. Please check this page every so often to see these updates.
As communicated earlier to our community, we will not be hosting a school run prom. We are instead putting our focus on our graduation celebration. There is also more information on this (as sent out through an earlier School Messenger) on the Grad web page.
We all look forward to celebrating with our 2022 St. Benedict Graduates and their families!!
Significant Days & Dates
Click here to view the most up to date calendar information.
Professional Activity Day:
Stay Connected with St. Benedict's!
WCDSB Schools Raise $23,550 for Ukrainian Relief Efforts
In early March, Waterloo Region’s Catholic schools — standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine — began a campaign to raise funds to assist humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine.
While a number of schools sent funds directly to the Canadian Red Cross — and a number of schools encouraged families to donate privately via the Canadian Red Cross — a total of 28 WCDSB secondary and elementary schools centrally raised a total of $23,552!
The students and staff at Our Lady of Grace CES (OLOG) in Kitchener were the top elementary school fundraisers, raising $1,907.
The students and staff at St. Benedict CSS in Cambridge were the top secondary school fundraisers, raising $3,000.
On May 10, 2022, Director of Education Loretta Notten joined OLOG Principal Jeff Dinner and students to celebrate the school’s generosity.
Families and individuals in the community who still wish to donate privately are encouraged to do so via the Canadian Red Cross website at: https://www.redcross.ca
We continue to pray for peace and healing in Ukraine — and all other places on Earth, where cruelty and war persist.
Daily Screening
A reminder that students must complete the daily screening: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/ before leaving home each day. This daily screening tool gives information on how to handle various personal/family symptoms scenarios. Should the guidance be to stay home from school, we ask that you contact the attendance office to report your student’s absence by calling the direct line 519-621-4001, or emailing SBEN.Attendance@wcdsb.ca
Transportation Survey 2022
Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR)
We are asking parents and/or guardians to participate in a survey about their student’s journey to school. The purpose of the surveys is to get a better understanding of the thoughts and opinions of the student’s journey to school. We have created surveys for students using the school bus and for students who use other forms of transportation like walking or biking to school. Our goal is to enhance the student’s experience and to improve our services in the future. The survey typically takes 5 minutes to complete and will be open until Friday, June 10th, 2022.
If you have any questions in regards to the surveys please call (519) 744-7575, extension 221 or email susan_carriere@stswr.ca
Thank you for providing your feedback. We appreciate the time you have taken and will actively use it to improve our services to you in the future!
Transported Students Survey
Students in the Walk Zone
News from Guidance
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Counsellor’s Name
Last names
International Students/ICP
Guidance Google Classrooms
Once again, the Guidance department will have google classrooms available to share information with our students. Please consider joining the classrooms:
Scan the code below to book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor
Then click the plus sign beside your Guidance Counsellor to book an appointment.
After school support sessions for students
The Ministry of Education has recently announced a grant for schools to provide FREE after school tutoring for students. This is welcomed news and may provide some additional support for students who have had their learning interrupted as a result of the pandemic.
Students are welcome to attend these “drop in” tutoring sessions that will be offered Monday through Thursday every week. The sessions will last one hour in duration and will be offered four times per week. Various teachers will be available to support students working on assignments, homework and/or test preparation in their courses. We are hopeful that this will be a great opportunity for your child to improve their level of achievement in their courses, complete outstanding work or receive extra help with challenging concepts. The sessions will run until June 20th, 2022.
If this is an opportunity that you think would benefit your student, please register on the attached flyer or have them drop in.
Tutoring Program Schedule
Location: Room 206 & 207 Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Dates: April 19th to June 20th, 2022
If you have any questions about the program, please contact the school.
Need some extra help with LITERACY or NUMERACY?
Homework Club
is back and running
Mondays beginning at 2pm
Wednesdays at LUNCH
Room 210
Girls Softball update
The girls softball team started the last two weeks with a very successful double header, going 2 for 2 defeating Monsignor Doyle and St. David's. A beautiful catch by Rachel Watral helped the Saints to their third victory in 4 games this season.
They split their double header on Monday, losing to St. David's and winning convincingly against Resurrection. Both Katie Leudy and Makenna Sivyer hit home runs in their 21-11 victory over Resurrection. The girls' team is 4-2 on the season with a secured spot in the playoffs.
Senior Soccer Boys season ends
The senior boys soccer team were defeated in their semi final game against Doyle on Monday. It was a tough loss but a great season for our Saints. A shout out goes to Spiros Goros for being our man of the match. Boys, your coaches are proud and thank you very a great season.
Sports Results
St. Benedict CSS 13, Msgr. Doyle CSS 5
St. Mary's HS 20, St. Benedict CSS 2
Msgr. Doyle CSS 9, St. Benedict CSS 10
St. Benedict CSS 14, St. David CSS 9
St. David CSS 8, St. Benedict CSS 3
Resurrection CSS 11, St. Benedict CSS 21
St. Benedict CSS 9, St. Mary's HS 13
St. Benedict CSS 11, ES Pere-Rene-de-Galinee 8
St. Benedict CSS 8, St. David CSS 17
Msgr. Doyle CSS 21, St. Benedict CSS 7
St. Benedict CSS 3, Resurrection CSS 0
Msgr. Doyle CSS 1, St. Benedict CSS 1
[SF] Msgr. Doyle CSS 2, St. Benedict CSS 0
St. Benedict CSS 2, Resurrection CSS 1
St. Benedict CSS 1, Msgr. Doyle CSS 3
Msgr. Doyle 4, St. Benedict CSS 0
Hey Saints!
Have a great idea?
Want it to be run by SAC?
Fill out the suggestion QR forms posted around the school and
on the Bennies SAC instagram & maybe it will flourish into an event!
St. Bennies students are always welcome at all locations of Idea Exchange libraries and Cambridge Art Galleries and especially so in their Library Learning Commons. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment. Students can expect to be treated courteously and respectfully by staff. We ask that students also treat library staff, their fellow students, and other members of the public with respect. Below is a gentle reminder and an explanation of some of those expectations:
- No food during school hours
- Students are not allowed to eat in the library during school hours.
- After school hours, students may eat simple snacks that are not messy or smelly. All food must be consumed in a responsible way, including proper waste disposal.
- Quiet study
- The laptop bar and study tables are available for quiet study only. The Learning Commons area of the library features areas for group work or socializing, but you must do so quietly.
- Small groups (max 5 per table)
- There should be no more than 5 students per table. Not only is there not enough space for more, but noise becomes an issue with larger groups.
- Lunchtime capacity
- If you can’t find a seat in the library during lunch, then we have reached our capacity.
- Please avoid standing in clusters or within aisles, and look for lunch spaces in the school.
- Children’s department
- The Children’s Department is only to be used by children and their families.
- Personal belongings
- Students are expected to attend to personal belongings. Idea Exchange is not responsible for theft or damage to personal items left unattended.
- Library use for intended purposes
- Do not move library chairs or tables.
- Our washrooms have limited space. Please do not congregate in washrooms.
- Meeting rooms
- Maximum of 5 in one room.
- No food allowed in these rooms.
- TV screens are for school work only. No videos or movies allowed.
Students who are disruptive to others, behaving inappropriately, speaking disrespectfully to library staff, or contravening the Code of Conduct in any way will be asked to leave the library.
Serious incidents will involve further withdrawal of privileges. Idea Exchange staff will work in collaboration with School Administration regarding issues involving students.
Lock & Quest
Participate in our Lock & Key themed discovery quest! Use your phone to find hidden keys, complete quizzes, and earn points the whole month of May. Visit the staff in the library to get started! Epic prizes will be awarded in June.
Thursday, May 19 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: ACE Robotics Team 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Games Club
Friday, May 20 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club
Monday, May 23 Victoria Day
Tuesday, May 24 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Chess Club 10:30am: Finance Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring
Wednesday, May 25 Civvies Day 8:00am: Bennies Buddies Breakfast Appreciation 10:30am: Seams Sew Easy club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Yearbook Club Meeting 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Homework club
Thursday, May 26 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: ACE Robotics Team 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Games Club 3:30pm: Sector- Partner Experience 7:00pm: ANNIE The Musical
Friday, May 27 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Star Trek Club 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club 7:00pm: ANNIE The Musical
Saturday, May 28 7:00pm: ANNIE The Musical
Monday, May 30 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Homework club 2:00pm: Debate Club
Tuesday, May 31 10:30am: Lights Out! Club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Chess Club 10:30am: Finance Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring
Wednesday, June 1 BENN Newsletter release 10:30am: Seams Sew Easy club 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Yearbook Club Meeting 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Homework club
Thursday, June 2 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: GSA Club 10:30am: Chess Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Doctor Who Club 2:00pm: ACE Robotics Team 2:00pm: Math Club 2:00pm: Racing Saints E-car club 2:00pm: Games Club
Friday, June 3 PA Day
Monday, June 6 10:30am: MCU Club 10:30am: Literature Club 10:30am: Coding Club 2:00pm: FREE After School Tutoring 2:00pm: Homework club 2:00pm: Debate Club
Be sure to check out the calendar on the school website for updates!