Next issue date

February 19, 2025

Switching to an electronic newsletter has saved us…

sheets of paper
reams of paper
pounds of paper

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About the BENN…

In September of 2008, a group of St. Benedict teachers took on—as part of their school improvement plan—the issue of information communication. After consulting with administration, one thing we realized was that there is a lack of timely and informative communication with parents about activities at the school.

Faced with that challenge, BENN was conceived. The Benny’s Electronic News Network is the newsletter of St. Benedict C.S.S. Our goal was to put out a timely, informative newsletter every two weeks. Taking into account the logistics of putting together such a newsletter, we decided to go with Wednesdays. Remember: every second Wednesday is a BENN’s day!

Our target market for the publication is the parents of students at St. Benedict. However, anyone interested in the events at St. Benedict is welcome to join the e-mailing list. Registration is FREE, and takes less than thirty seconds.

Past issues