Welcome to Computer Studies Program Area

  • BEM 1O – Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset, open (replacing BTT 1O)
  • ICD 2O – Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World
  • BTA 3O – Information and Communication Technology: The Digital Environment, open
  • ICS 3C – Introduction to Computer Programming, college level
  • ICS 3U – Introduction to Computer Science, university level
  • ICS 4C – Computer Programming, college level
  • ICS 4U – Computer Science, university level

Experiences beyond the classroom

Beyond the class component of the programming courses, students taking the computer courses are given several opportunities to participate in local, regional, national, and international programming contests.

The Beaver Computing Challenge

Put on annually by the University of Waterloo, the Beaver Computing Challenge is meant to introduce computer science to students. It is open to grade 9 and 10 students, and enrollment in a computer course is not necessary.

Canadian Computing Competition

The Canadian Computing Competition is also put on by the University of Waterloo, and is open to grade 11 and 12 programming students. It is a recommended contest for any student considering pursuing a post-secondary program in computer programming.

ECOO Programming Contest

The ECOO programming contest, put on by the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario, provides students with a unique opportunity to participate in a computer competition is a team of up to four members, but there’s a catch: you only have one computer. Teamwork, group problem-solving, and diplomacy are important skills to have on top of knowing how to code!