All courses will have a final evaluation taking place on January 24, 27, 28, or 29.
Students who meet the following criteria will not be required to attend school in the afternoon on these days:
a) have achieved a passing grade;
b) have submitted all summative activities and
c) have completed all components of their final culminating activity

Students who do not meet the above criteria will be required to attend Credit Rescue in the afternoon on these days with the possibility of attending an additional 2 hour Credit Recovery class on January 30 in an attempt to be successful in obtaining their credit.

Please be advised of the following important reminders:

  • Uniform: All students are required to attend in full uniform.
  • 2-hour Exam/Evaluation Period: Students are required to remain in their class for the full 2 hours. Students are not permitted to sign out during the 2-hour exam period.
  • Credit Rescue: Students accessing credit rescue will be notified in advance by their teachers.