Religious Education – Church & Culture HRE4MW
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of how the Church engages contemporary culture with faith and reason, in pursuit of love, justice, and the common good. Students will have opportunity to learn how living the Baptismal vocation to a virtuous life, filled with the joy of the Gospel and nurtured by the sacraments, can transform them and society from within, allowing God to reign in human hearts. Students will also refine research and inquiry skills. Students in the course must also be registered in HSE4MW and will travel internationally in the Spring of 2019 on a WE experience as part of the course package
COURSE NOTE: Students must complete an application package (available from the Guidance, Religion, and Social Science department areas) and submit to the guidance department with course selections. All candidates must be successful in the interview and selection process to be registered in this program. Travel costs are to be covered by students and may be subsidized by class fundraising activities to offset trip expenses.
TYPE: University/College
Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice HSE4MW
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of how the Church engages contemporary culture with faith and reason, in pursuit of love, justice, and the common good. Students will have opportunity to learn how living the Baptismal vocation to a virtuous life, filled with the joy of the Gospel and nurtured by the sacraments, can transform them and society from within, allowing God to reign in human hearts. Students will also refine research and inquiry skills. Students in the course must also be registered in HSE4MW and will travel internationally in the Spring of 2019 on a WE experience as part of the course package.
COURSE NOTE: Students must complete an application package (available in the Guidance, Religion, and Social Science program areas) and submit to the guidance department with course selections. All candidates must be successful in the interview and selection process to be registered in this program. Travel costs are to be covered by students and may be subsidized by class fundraising activities to offset trip expenses.
TYPE: University/College
PREREQUISITE: Any university or university/college preparation course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English, or Canadian and World Studies.