Be With Me, Open HRE1OI
This course invites students to an understanding of both the joy and the demands of following in the way of Christ and living out the call to discipleship as it is described in the Scriptures. Through a lens filtered by Scripture, Profession of Faith, Christian Moral Development, Prayer, Sacramental Life, and Family Life, students use the Beatitudes and ten commandments as a touchstone to examine the attitudes and actions that characterize the Christian life. Students will explore a variety of topics related to the themes of personhood, interpersonal relationships and sexuality. They are encouraged to understand and nurture within themselves the virtues which will enable them to deepen their relationship with God in and through Christ in the context of a Spirit-filled community.
TYPE: Open
Christ And Culture, Open HRE2OI
This course both invites and challenges the adolescent to personalize the Gospel values and social justice principles that guide Catholics in understanding their role in shaping culture as disciples of Jesus. Students will explore such foundational topics as: what it means to be human, created in God’s image, what is culture, Christ and culture, living together in solidarity, social justice, prayer and sacrament, friendship and intimacy. Connections between the living Church and contemporary culture are explored in terms of what it means to be a responsible Christian adolescent in a secularized, pluralistic world.
TYPE: Open
World Religions: Beliefs and Daily Life, Open HRF3OI
This course enables students to study world religions and belief traditions in local, Canadian, and global contexts. Students will explore aspects of the human quest for meaning and will examine world religions and belief traditions as exemplified in various sacred teachings and principles, rites, and passages. They will also study the interaction throughout history between society and various belief traditions, and will have opportunities to develop research and inquiry skills related to the study of world religions and belief traditions.
TYPE: Open
World Religions: Beliefs, Issues, and Religious Traditions, University/College HRT3MI
This course engages students in the examination of world religions, particularly Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Spiritualities and a locally appropriate religious tradition. This is a survey course that will help students understand the basic similarities and differences between the religious traditions so they can interact with others with acceptance and familiarity. We live in a multi-faith global community. With the knowledge of this course, students ought to be able to understand more clearly the world’s religious affairs.
TYPE: University/College
Church and Culture, Open HRE4OI
This course assists students in their development of the skills and knowledge necessary to live lives of full maturity. Within the Catholic faith tradition, it is believed that this growth towards human maturity is best served when students are able to define themselves authentically in relation to their God, to other people and to their world. In the Family Life Education strand, students explore a variety of topics related to the themes of personhood, interpersonal relationships and sexuality. Students will demonstrate a knowledge of the prophetic tradition in scripture, become familiar with the social teachings of the Catholic Church, explore contemporary notions of spirituality and prayer, and recognize the importance, power, and potential of the human person in relation to morality and personal choices concerning future life paths.
TYPE: Open
Church and Culture, University/College HRE4MI
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of how the Church engages contemporary culture with faith and reason, in pursuit of love, justice, and the common good. Students will have opportunity to learn how living the Baptismal vocation to a virtuous life, filled with the joy of the Gospel and nurtured by the sacraments, can transform them and society from within, allowing God to reign in human hearts. Students will also refine research and inquiry skills.
TYPE: University/College
Course Pathway Chart
See the E-Learning tab if you are considering that type of course