This page has been set up to help you better prepare for the beginning of a new semester. Select your course from the listing below to see a list of required and recommended supplies for the course.
Please note that this is not a complete list of the course offerings at St. Benedict’s, more course codes will be added shortly.
Required materials: Notebook/binder, sketchbook, H, B and HB pencils, 30 cm, white eraser, black ultra-fine tip Sharpies.
Suggested materials: Pencil crayons (not Dollar store).
Suggested materials: Pencil crayons (not Dollar store).
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, computer with ability to run Microsoft Office.
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick, computer running Windows or Mac OS to be able to run Microsoft Office
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick, computer running Windows or Mac OS to be able to run Microsoft Office
Required materials: 3-ring binder (or 1 divided section in a binder to share with one other subject only), lined paper, pens, pencils, eraser, thin black felt tip marker, pencil crayons, a variety of coloured highlighters, ruler, basic scientific calculator
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, memory stick
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, memory stick
Required materials: 3-ring binder (or 1 divided section in a binder to share with one other subject only), lined paper, pens, pencils, eraser, thin black felt tip marker, pencil crayons, a variety of coloured highlighters, ruler, basic scientific calculator
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, memory stick
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, memory stick
Required materials: pen, paper, lined paper, highlighters, binder
Suggested materials: colour pens or fine tip markers, ruler, small post-it notes
Suggested materials: colour pens or fine tip markers, ruler, small post-it notes
Required materials: Section in binder for French, or a duotang, French-English dictionary, pencils, pens, lined paper, highlighter.
Required materials: Section in binder for French, or a duotang, French-English dictionary, pencils, pens, lined paper, highlighter.
Required materials: Section in binder for French, or a duotang, French-English dictionary, pencils, pens, lined paper, highlighter.
Required materials: Scientific calculator (two line display feature recommended), pencils, pens, eraser, highlighters (assorted colours), ruler, lined paper, graph paper, binder.
Required materials: Scientific calculator (two line display feature recommended), pencils, pens, eraser, highlighters (assorted colours), ruler, lined paper, graph paper, binder.
Required materials: Non-marking gym shoes, 2-3 pairs of athletic shorts, 2-3 T-shirts, track pants, sweater, mitts and tuque for outdoor activities in colder weather. Paper, pens & pencils for completion of health education.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, calculator
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, calculator
Required materials: Dancewear- Proper and appropriate, Foot wear- Bare feet for most of the semester or proper dance shoes for a specific unit (gym shoes for hip hop). Bring a pair of comfortable shoes which are safe to dance in for times that we may bring our class outdoors.
Suggested materials: Options- Yoga pants, leggings/tights, sweatpants, t-shirts, dance/sport tank tops. NO- spaghetti straps, crop tops, short shorts (ONLY proper dance shorts that are not too short are allowed)
Suggested materials: Options- Yoga pants, leggings/tights, sweatpants, t-shirts, dance/sport tank tops. NO- spaghetti straps, crop tops, short shorts (ONLY proper dance shorts that are not too short are allowed)
Required materials: Notebook/binder, sketchbook, H, B and HB pencils, 12 inch ruler, white eraser.
Suggested materials: Pencil crayons (not Dollar store), black Sharpies.
Suggested materials: Pencil crayons (not Dollar store), black Sharpies.
Required materials: The majority of this list can be found at the dollar store:
1 pack of markers (Sharpies fine tip are best) or pencil crayons, 1 pair scissors (paper/craft), 2 ultra fine tip black markers, 1 hand sewing needle (big eye) 1 pack of embroidery floss (multi-coloured is fine), 1 pair of adult fuzzy socks, new (any colour), a pack of multi-coloured paper (8.5 x 11″, 24 lb-regular weight paper), a regular HB pencil, pencil sharpener.
1 pack of markers (Sharpies fine tip are best) or pencil crayons, 1 pair scissors (paper/craft), 2 ultra fine tip black markers, 1 hand sewing needle (big eye) 1 pack of embroidery floss (multi-coloured is fine), 1 pair of adult fuzzy socks, new (any colour), a pack of multi-coloured paper (8.5 x 11″, 24 lb-regular weight paper), a regular HB pencil, pencil sharpener.
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, computer with ability to run Microsoft Office.
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick, computer running Windows or Mac OS to be able to run Microsoft Office
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick, computer running Windows or Mac OS to be able to run Microsoft Office
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, cue / index cards, sticky notes, dividers, highlighters (assorted colours)
Suggested materials: flash drive, big wall calendar
Suggested materials: flash drive, big wall calendar
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, cue / index cards, sticky notes, dividers, highlighters (assorted colours)
Suggested materials: flash drive, big wall calendar
Suggested materials: flash drive, big wall calendar
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, dividers
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), memory stick, MLA Handbook, A Glossary of Literary Terms
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), memory stick, MLA Handbook, A Glossary of Literary Terms
Required materials: Section in binder for French, or a duotang, French-English dictionary, pencils, pens, lined paper, highlighter.
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Required materials: Section in binder for French, or a duotang, French-English dictionary, pencils, pens, lined paper, highlighter.
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, notebook or duotang for journaling
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, highlighter, access to a computer (Windows or Mac) to install Python (free)
Suggested materials: memory stick
Suggested materials: memory stick
Required materials: Lined Paper, pencils, eraser, ruler, graph paper, scientific calculator (two line display feature recommended), pencil crayons or colour pens.
Required materials: scientific calculator, graph paper, lined paper, pens, pencils, eraser.
Suggested materials: white board markers, highlighters, Desmos app (free online), Google Classroom app (free online)
Suggested materials: white board markers, highlighters, Desmos app (free online), Google Classroom app (free online)
Required materials: Non-marking gym shoes, 2-3 pairs of athletic shorts, 2-3 T-shirts, track pants, sweater, mitts and tuque for outdoor activities in colder weather. Paper, pens & pencils for completion of health education.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Required materials: Non-marking gym shoes, 2-3 pairs of athletic shorts, 2-3 T-shirts, track pants, sweater, mitts and tuque for outdoor activities in colder weather. Paper, pens & pencils for completion of health education.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, scientific calculator NOT on your phone, electronic device with the ability to open and complete work using the D2L app
Suggested materials: Personal computer with ability to open and actively work on Google drive, PDF files and D2L materials. If students prefer printing out course materials, then a printer at home will be helpful.
Suggested materials: Personal computer with ability to open and actively work on Google drive, PDF files and D2L materials. If students prefer printing out course materials, then a printer at home will be helpful.
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, calculator
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, closed-toe shoes
Required materials: graph paper 1/4 X 1/4 square, pens/pencils/clear 12 inch ruler
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Required materials: Dancewear- Proper and appropriate, Foot wear- Bare feet for most of the semester or proper dance shoes for a specific unit (gym shoes for hip hop). Bring a pair of comfortable shoes which are safe to dance in for times that we may bring our class outdoors.
Suggested materials: Options- Yoga pants, leggings/tights, sweatpants, t-shirts, dance/sport tank tops. NO- spaghetti straps, crop tops, short shorts (ONLY proper dance shorts that are not too short are allowed)
Suggested materials: Options- Yoga pants, leggings/tights, sweatpants, t-shirts, dance/sport tank tops. NO- spaghetti straps, crop tops, short shorts (ONLY proper dance shorts that are not too short are allowed)
Required materials: The majority of this list can be found at the dollar store:
1 pack of markers (Sharpies fine tip are best) or pencil crayons, 1 pair scissors (paper/craft), 2 ultra fine tip black markers, 1 hand sewing needle (big eye) 1 pack of embroidery floss (multi-coloured is fine), 1 pair of adult fuzzy socks, new (any colour), a pack of multi-coloured paper (8.5 x 11″, 24 lb-regular weight paper), a regular HB pencil, pencil sharpener.
1 pack of markers (Sharpies fine tip are best) or pencil crayons, 1 pair scissors (paper/craft), 2 ultra fine tip black markers, 1 hand sewing needle (big eye) 1 pack of embroidery floss (multi-coloured is fine), 1 pair of adult fuzzy socks, new (any colour), a pack of multi-coloured paper (8.5 x 11″, 24 lb-regular weight paper), a regular HB pencil, pencil sharpener.
Required materials: Notebook/binder, sketchbook, H, B pencils, 12 inch ruler, eraser, ultra fine tip black marker, pencil crayons.
Required materials: binder, paper, pens, a passion for business studies
Required materials: binder, paper, pens, a passion for business studies
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick
Required materials: 3-ring binder (or 1 divided section in a binder to share with one other subject only), lined paper, pens, pencils, eraser, thin black felt tip marker, pencil crayons, a variety of coloured highlighters, ruler, basic scientific calculator
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, be prepared to read and watch news reports regularly for current topics related to course content, memory stick
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, be prepared to read and watch news reports regularly for current topics related to course content, memory stick
Required materials: 3-ring binder (or 1 divided section in a binder to share with one other subject only), lined paper, pens, pencils, eraser, thin black felt tip marker, pencil crayons, a variety of coloured highlighters, ruler, basic scientific calculator
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, be prepared to read and watch news reports regularly for current topics related to course content, memory stick
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, be prepared to read and watch news reports regularly for current topics related to course content, memory stick
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, dividers, index cards and clips, sticky notes
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), Citation style manual (MLA and APA), flash drive, big wall calendar
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), Citation style manual (MLA and APA), flash drive, big wall calendar
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, dividers, index cards and clips, sticky notes
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), Citation style manual (MLA), flash drive, big wall calendar
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), Citation style manual (MLA), flash drive, big wall calendar
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, cue / index cards, sticky notes, dividers, highlighters (assorted colours)
Suggested materials: flash drive, big wall calendar
Suggested materials: flash drive, big wall calendar
Required materials: Section in binder for French, or a duotang, French-English dictionary, pencils, pens, lined paper, highlighter.
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, highlighter, access to a computer (Windows, Linux or Mac) to install Python (free)
Suggested materials: memory stick
Suggested materials: memory stick
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, highlighter, access to a computer (Windows, Linux or Mac) to install Python (free)
Suggested materials: memory stick
Suggested materials: memory stick
Required materials: scientific calculator, 3 ring binder, lined & graph paper, pencils, eraser, ruler, Google Classroom app
Suggested materials: whiteboard markers, highlighters
Suggested materials: whiteboard markers, highlighters
Required materials: 3-ring binder, lined paper, graph paper, ruler, mechanical pencils, erasers, scientific calculator
Suggested materials: Highlighter, coloured pencils, personal device (laptop, phone) to access dynamic graphing software on-line
Suggested materials: Highlighter, coloured pencils, personal device (laptop, phone) to access dynamic graphing software on-line
Required materials: 3-ring binder, lined paper, graph paper, ruler, mechanical pencils, erasers, scientific calculator
Suggested materials: Highlighter, coloured pencils, personal device (laptop, phone) to access dynamic graphing software on-line
Suggested materials: Highlighter, coloured pencils, personal device (laptop, phone) to access dynamic graphing software on-line
Required materials: Non-marking gym shoes, 2-3 pairs of athletic shorts, 2-3 T-shirts, track pants, sweater, mitts and tuque for outdoor activities in colder weather. Paper, pens & pencils for completion of health education.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, scientific calculator NOT on your phone, electronic device with the ability to open D2L app.
Suggested materials: Personal computer with ability to open google drive, pdf files and D2L materials.
Suggested materials: Personal computer with ability to open google drive, pdf files and D2L materials.
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, scientific calculator NOT on your phone
Required materials: Paper, Pens, Closed-Toe Shoes
Suggested materials: Hair Ties or Hair Nets – No Baseball Hats
Suggested materials: Hair Ties or Hair Nets – No Baseball Hats
Required materials: graph paper 1/4 X 1/4 square, pens/pencils/clear 12 inch ruler
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Required materials: graph paper 1/4 X 1/4 square, pens/pencils/clear 12 inch ruler
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Required materials: graph paper 1/4 X 1/4 square, pens/pencils/clear 12 inch ruler
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, electronic device with the ability to open and complete work using the D2L app
Suggested materials: Personal computer with ability to open and actively work on Google drive, PDF files and D2L materials. If students prefer printing out course materials, then a printer at home will be helpful.
Suggested materials: Personal computer with ability to open and actively work on Google drive, PDF files and D2L materials. If students prefer printing out course materials, then a printer at home will be helpful.
Required materials: Dancewear- Proper and appropriate, Foot wear- Bare feet for most of the semester or proper dance shoes for a specific unit (gym shoes for hip hop). Bring a pair of comfortable shoes which are safe to dance in for times that we may bring our class outdoors.
Suggested materials: Options- Yoga pants, leggings/tights, sweatpants, t-shirts, dance/sport tank tops. NO- spaghetti straps, crop tops, short shorts (ONLY proper dance shorts that are not too short are allowed)
Suggested materials: Options- Yoga pants, leggings/tights, sweatpants, t-shirts, dance/sport tank tops. NO- spaghetti straps, crop tops, short shorts (ONLY proper dance shorts that are not too short are allowed)
Required materials: Notebook/binder, sketchbook, H, B pencils, 12 inch ruler, eraser, ultra fine tip black marker, pencil crayons.
Required materials: Notebook/binder, sketchbook, H, B pencils, 12 inch ruler, eraser, ultra fine tip black marker, pencil crayons.
Required materials: binder, paper, pens, a passion for business studies
Required materials: 3-ring binder (or 1 divided section in a binder to share with one other subject only), lined paper, pens, pencils, eraser, thin black felt tip marker, pencil crayons, a variety of coloured highlighters, ruler, basic scientific calculator
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, be prepared to read and watch news reports regularly for current topics related to course content, memory stick
Suggested materials: erasable whiteboard markers, be prepared to read and watch news reports regularly for current topics related to course content, memory stick
Required materials: binder, paper, pens, a passion for business studies
Required materials: 3-ring binder, lined paper, scrapbook or sketchbook for journals, dictionary, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, glue stick, sticky notes, highlighters.
Required materials: Section in binder for French, or a duotang, French-English dictionary, pencils, pens, lined paper, highlighter.
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Suggested materials: Verb conjugation book (Bescherelle)
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, notebook or duotang for journaling
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, access to a computer (Windows, Linux or Mac) to install Eclipse (free)
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, access to a computer (Windows, Linux or Mac) to install Eclipse (free)
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick
Suggested materials: highlighter, memory stick
Required materials: scientific calculator, 3-ring binder, lined paper, pencils, eraser
Suggested materials: graph paper
Suggested materials: graph paper
Required materials: scientific calculator, 3-ring binder, lined paper, pencils, eraser, protractor
Suggested materials: graph paper
Suggested materials: graph paper
Required materials: Binder, paper, graph paper, scientific calculator (two-line display is recommended), highlighters, Desmos free app on any device (not necessary but helpful).
Required materials: Pencils, pen, paper, notebook, a chromebook or laptop for class.
Required materials: Non-marking gym shoes, 2-3 pairs of athletic shorts, 2-3 T-shirts, track pants, sweater, mitts and tuque for outdoor activities in colder weather. Paper, pens & pencils for completion of health education.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Required materials: Non-marking gym shoes, 2-3 pairs of athletic shorts, 2-3 T-shirts, track pants, sweater, mitts and tuque for outdoor activities in colder weather. Paper, pens & pencils for completion of health education.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, scientific calculator NOT on your phone
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, scientific calculator NOT on your phone
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, scientific calculator NOT on your phone
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, scientific calculator NOT on your phone
Required materials: Paper, Pens, Closed-Toe Shoes
Suggested materials: Hair Ties or Hair Nets – No Baseball Hats
Suggested materials: Hair Ties or Hair Nets – No Baseball Hats
Required materials: graph paper 1/4 X 1/4 square, pens/pencils/clear 12 inch ruler
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Required materials: graph paper 1/4 X 1/4 square, pens/pencils/clear 12 inch ruler
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Required materials: graph paper 1/4 X 1/4 square, pens/pencils/clear 12 inch ruler
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Suggested materials: Clear CSA approved safety glasses
Required materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pens, pencils, pencil crayons, dividers, index cards and clips, sticky notes
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), flash drive, big wall calendar
Suggested materials: highlighters (assorted colours), flash drive, big wall calendar
Required materials: Non-marking gym shoes, 2-3 pairs of athletic shorts, 2-3 T-shirts, track pants, sweater, mitts and tuque for outdoor activities in colder weather. Paper, pens & pencils for completion of health education.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.
Suggested materials: Cleats for field games.