Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Volume 12, Issue 1
Timetable Pick Up begins tomorrow!
See the schedule below for timetable pick up information, please make sure you have already completed all your online forms and submitted your fees. Remember to bring the receipt when you come to get your timetable.
Schedule for Tuesday, September 3
NOTE: Students do not need to be in uniform for Tuesday.
8:00am: Grade 9 Students will report to their period 1 class at 8 a.m. and participate in our LINK Crew activities and orientation. All yellow buses will run their normal morning pickup schedule for Grade 9 Students.
*** Buses will begin a second run (3 hrs 50 minutes after regular time) for grade 10-12 students to arrive to classes that begin at 11:50 am.
2:10pm: Regular departure routes will leave the school as scheduled at the end of the day.
It's the last week before school starts...
Do you know what you need?
Got your eyes on school supplies?
If you are looking to update that old binder or brighten up that pen collection, you may want to make a stop online before you hit the stores. On the school website we have updated the page What you need to help you be prepared for classes. On this page you will find many of the courses listed, including requirements and suggestions for materials needed for them. While not all courses are listed, the page will give you a good idea of what you need to succeed.
Welcome to our new Administrators
Starting this September we will have two new faces in the admin offices. With the departure of Mrs. Temple, our new principal is Mrs. Ingoldsby. Taking the place of Mr. Jaeger is Mr. Stehlik. We asked them both to introduce themselves to the St. Benedict community.
Mrs. Margaret Ingoldsby
I am truly excited to return to St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School for the 2019-20 school year. I know much has changed in the years since I worked at SBCSS as a new teacher, and I am looking forward to reconnecting with the Saints community. One of my fondest memories of my time at Bennie's was when we journeyed as a school community from our worn-down building on Elgin Street to our state-of-the-art facility on Saginaw Parkway. We were filled with optimism and hope for the opportunities that awaited our community. Clearly, the innovation and excellence continue today as evident in the many conversations I have had with staff since my return.
Since leaving St. Benedict, I have had the opportunity to work in three of the other high school communities in our board. Each of these communities provided me many opportunities to grow as a teacher and leader. I am grateful for the many mentors, colleagues and students that I have had the pleasure to serve.
St. Benedict holds a very special place in my heart, and I am looking forward to working with all of you to make this the best year ever! My experience of this community is that it is made up of people who care about our students and work tremendously hard to provide opportunities for success. Although, like many of you, I wish summer could last just a little longer, I am ready to embrace the many activities and celebrations that await us this year.
Mr. Rich Stehlik
Father of two and married for 17 years, I grew up in Kitchener and went to high school at St. Jerome’s HS and graduated from Resurrection CSS. I got my BMath Degree from the University of Waterloo and BEd degree from the University of Western Ontario. I am an active member of the Blessed Sacrament RC Church community.
I spent the last 21 years at St. Michael CSS in Stratford. I taught math (throughout) and computer science (first few years) for 19 and a half years, spending the last 1½ years as vice-principal. I have coached junior/senior badminton my entire time at St. Mike’s and have also coached varsity baseball, junior basketball and midget/junior volleyball while there.
Aside from family and work, my biggest passion is officiating basketball. I’ve been doing that since I was 16 and have had a lot of great experiences with that “side-job”. I currently referee the OUA and the NBL.
I have many passions. I’m a teacher at heart and love trying to get the most out of every student. I’m a huge fan of all extra curriculars. I love to watch people excel in their passions (whatever that may be). I’m sad to be leaving St. Mike’s but I’m really excited to be joining the St. Benedict Family and the Bennie's admin team!
Are you considering volunteering at St. Benedict?
Volunteers are a welcome resource at St. Benedict C.S.S. The school is in a position of trust with regards to students and must strive to protect their intellectual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As such, the WCDSB administrative procedure (APO 001) mandates that all volunteers be screened, references checked, and Criminal Background Check (CBC) done. School administration reserves the right to oppose or rescind any volunteer placement.
If you would like to volunteer at St. Benedict, please contact Ms. Fondacaro or visit our Volunteering page on the school website.
News from Guidance
Who is your Guidance Counsellor?
Mrs. Lesley O’Toole A-Di & International Students ext. 5190
Mrs. Karla Arkell Dj - Ki ext. 5636
Mr. Nick Betik Kl - Pl ext. 5633
Mrs. Laura O’Neill Po - Z ext. 5634
Christine O’Connor Administrative Assistant ext. 5631
Course Changes
The deadline for changing course this semester will be September 10, 2019. All course changes must have a pink course change sheet signed by a parent or guardian, before any changes can be made. Please note that not all changes may be possible. We ask that students please follow your current timetable until you have met with a guidance counsellor.
If you have an error, you’re missing a course or a prerequisite on your timetable, please come to Guidance at lunch, on your spare or after school as soon as you can.
Grade 12 Students from Ontario Universities
The new Ontario Universities' Info 2020 is live! Find and compare Ontario university programs, plus research residences, scholarships, campus visits and more.
OUInfo 2020 includes a refreshed look and new logo, while maintaining the same functionality. It was renamed to better align with the Council of Ontario Universities' new branding and the Ontario university community, and to more closely reflect the content of the website.
OUInfo is the only resource that is updated directly by the Ontario universities. Visit: www.ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca.
Universities post updates to OUInfo throughout the year - check back regularly.
Find more information about Extenuating Circumstances on the Guidance website.
All the best in the new school year!
Save the date!
St. Benedict's 21st Annual Academic Awards Night will be held on Thursday, October 10 this year. If your daughter or son was on the Honour Roll last year (in grades 9, 10 or 11) or if they received one of the top two marks in their course (all pathways), they will receive an invitation in their homeroom class to attend and be recognized. Invitations will most likely be distributed the week of September 16.
News from Student Transportation
Transportation details for the 2019-2020 school year will be available on Monday, August 19, 2019.
Parents can login and view your child’s transportation details by going to www.stswr.ca and following these easy steps:
- Click on “Student Login”
- Enter your child’s Ontario Education Number (OEN)
- This can be found on your child’s report card
- Numbers only, no space, no dash
- Enter your child’s birth date
- Enter your child’s street number house number only
- Select the school your child is attending from the drop down menu
Please note: any address changes need to be done through the school. If you moved this summer, you should communicate the change of address to your child’s school as soon as possible.
You can also visit www.stswr.ca to see bus delays and cancellations, subscribe to receive e-mail notifications for late buses and closures and follow us on Twitter.
Support Catholic Education
There’s Still Time to Sign Up For School! Register Online Today!
Enriching the Lives of Students
There many opportunities for students to enhance their learning experience: Enrichment courses, LEAP, OYAP, UCEP, Co-op, Home Build, SHSM, and Skills Canada. Visit the Enrichment blog for information on all these opportunities. The Blogroll contains a plethora of learning enhancements. To learn more about what we offer, click on Enrichment@St.Benedict.
English Corner
To receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) each student must obtain four credits in English (one credit per grade). Visit the English blog to read the course offerings provided by the Saint Benedict English Department. The Blogroll has great resources for both students and parents. Enjoy! English@St.Benedict blog.
Advanced Placement at St. Benedict
Advanced Placement (AP) is an internationally recognized program that allows students to enrich the Ontario Curriculum with the goal of achieving university accreditation.
What does the research say about AP students?
Research shows that the best predictor of whether or not a student completes a university degree is not their high school grades or standardized tests. Rather, the best predictor is how many challenging courses a student has taken in high school. Students who challenge themselves with AP courses and exams are much more likely to complete a university degree in four years or less.
Visit the Enrichment blog and Advanced Placement blog:
Saints Football is Back!
The Junior and Senior Football teams are excited about getting another District 8 season underway! Tryouts will begin for both teams on Wednesday, September 4th at 2:30 p.m. on the front field. All players are asked to dress in athletic gear including cleats, shorts, t-shirt and a water bottle. Equipment fitting will be taking place following each tryout. Practices will be taking place all week long. Any questions see Mr. Reitzel (Junior) or Mr. Vale (Senior). Go Saints Go!
Jr. Boys Soccer Team
All grade 9 and 10 boys interested in trying out for the junior boys soccer team please come to an important meeting in portable 7 on Wednesday September 4th at 2:15. If you cannot make the meeting you must let either Mr. Dufresne in the PHE office or Mr. Briere in room 213 know. All athletes need to pick up and submit a signed waiver in order to tryout. Tryouts will begin on Thursday September 5th at 2:15 on the back field. Don’t forget your cleats, shin guards and water bottles.
Senior Girls Basketball
Mandatory pre-season Meeting : Wed Sept 4th in room 301 @ lunch Tryouts: Thursday Sept 5th 4:15-6:00pm and Friday Sept 6th 2:30-4:15pm
Student Activities
Your Student Activities Council for 2019-2020
Savannah Danayan Bryson Meadus
Arts Matthieu Preston (Executive) Jenna Elises Sarah Gomes Stephanie Oei Erika Singh
Athletics Kennedy Koeslag (Executive) Aryan Anand Kylie D’Souza Victoria Joseph Alison Staples
Communications Karina Gugliemi (Executive) Lucija Dodig (Yearbook Liason) Victoria Milardovic (member) Wesley Tran (secretary)
Media Alycia Henriquez-Belony (Executive) Allison Kempton Jacenia Pahal Breanna Steel
Social Justice Jasmine Hersh (Executive) Tyah Cabral Hajer Elghamudi Madison Mercier Jerill Morales
Special Events Emma Braga (Executive) Anna Baumgartner Nikkyah Bouktsis Alyssa Simpson Jewel Villapando
Spirit Alex Ghazarian (Executive) Hailey Barnett Sarah Lee Savannah Meadus Natalie Zuccarello
Magic the Gathering Club
Want to learn how to play the strategy card game that started it all? Want to improve your current MTG decks? Then join the Magic the Gathering Club, we meet every Wednesday in room 227 after school. This club is for new players and old, many opportunities to win prizes and improve your decks, see Mr. Riso in room 227 for further details.
MCU Club
Are you tired of hanging out in the cold cafeteria at lunch? Are you sick of being kicked out of the plaza for loitering? Then come to room 227 every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at lunch and watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe story unfold before your very eyes. Bring your lunch and friends to the MCU club starting with Captain America Monday, September 9.
Racing Saints E-Car Team
The Racing Saints E-Car Team will meet ever Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at lunch in room A4. AKA the Manufacturing Lab! Listen to the announcements to hear when we are starting up.
Coding Club
Coding Club--previously known as Programming Club--provides students with an opportunity to either gain exposure to the incredible world of computer programming, or to challenge those who already know how to code. Advanced coders will hone their skills with challenges that will help them prepare for the ECOO team programming competition, and the individual Beaver Computing Challenge and Canadian Computing Challenge put on by the University of Waterloo. The club is open to all students interested in gaining some exposure to the programming, especially if they are considering taking the grade 11 ICS 3U or ICS 3C course. We will meet in room 216 at lunch, exact day of the week TBA.
Other News
St. Benedict's is hosting its third vendor market to raise funds for local and global social justice initiatives! Vendor spots are still available. Please email laura.varrianolane@wcdsb.ca for an information and application package.
Calendar of Events
Be sure to visit our school website for an updated calendar with detailed information links for most calendar entries.
Wednesday, August 28 8:30am: Timetable pickup: Grade 9 10:30am: Timetable pickup: all grades Thursday, August 29 10:30am: Timetable pickup: all grades 2:00pm: Used Uniform Sale Monday, September 2 Labour Day Tuesday, September 3 8:00am: Grade 9 Orientation with Link Crew 11:50am: First Day of School (Students do not have to be in uniform) Wednesday, September 4 BENN Newsletter release 8:00am: First full day of school (Students must be in full uniform) 10:40am: Sr. Girls Basketball MANDATORY preseason meeting 2:15pm: Magic the Gathering club 2:15pm: Jr. Boys Soccer information meeting 2:30pm: Jr. Boys Football: tryouts 2:30pm: Sr. Boys Football: tryouts
Thursday, September 5 2:15pm: Jr. Boys Soccer tryouts begin 4:15pm: Sr. Girls Basketball tryout Friday, September 6 2:15pm: Doctor Who Video Club 2:30pm: Sr. Girls Basketball tryout Monday, September 9 10:40am: MCU Club Tuesday, September 10 10:40am: MCU Club 2:00pm: Course Change Deadline Wednesday, September 11 BENN Newsletter release 2:15pm: Magic the Gathering club Thursday, September 12 10:40am: MCU Club Friday, September 13 2:15pm: Doctor Who Video Club