Plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another without attribution, in order to represent them as one’s own original work.

Academic honesty is an expected behaviour of all St. Benedict students. In accordance with our system’s mission document, Sharing our Journey, and the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations, our students will:

  • “…in a wise and discriminating manner assess, use and evaluate information from a variety of resources and technologies, including print materials, web sites, primary sources, interviews, etc.” (Sharing Our Journey, pg. 27)
  • “achieve excellence, originality, and integrity in one’s own work and support these qualities in the work of others.” (OCSGE, g, A collaborative learner)
  • “respects the rights, responsibilities and contributions of self and others.” (OCSGE, e, A collaborative contributor)

Students have the responsibility to ensure that all work submitted is their own or appropriately footnoted as to its origin.

Students have the responsibility to become familiar with and abide by this policy.

Things you need to provide a footnote or end note for:

  1. Ideas, opinions, theories that aren’t your own.
  2. Facts, statistics, graphs, emails, pictures, data, notes or other pieces of information. You need to cite where you got them from.
  3. Quotations of spoken or written word belonging to someone else.
  4. Paraphrasing another’s spoken or written words. Credit the author.

It is considered cheating to: copy all or some of another person’s work and claim it as one’s own. make up and quote non-existent information and resources Submit the same piece of work, without major changes, more than once, in the same course or any other course Copy and paste from various resources and claim it as your own.

Term Work (70%)

Term work will receive a mark of zero until it has been redone or revised or an alternate assessment is completed.
The resubmitted work will be considered late and penalties will apply.
Repeat offences will result in a zero. Teachers will then consult with program heads/administrators on how to appropriately evaluate student learning.

Culminating Work (30%)

Intentionally plagiarized activities will receive a zero. If there are rough drafts, the teacher may consider this work to determine the grade.
Unintentionally plagiarized work will receive a mark of zero until the work is redone and re-evaluated.
Cheating on an exam will result in a mark of zero for any section where it is clear that cheating has occurred.


  • Always write down the author, title, page number, when taking research notes.
  • Cite the reference the minute you have mentioned the idea you are using.
  • Paraphrase or re-write text.
  • Write ideas in your own words.
  • Recheck the original text to make sure you haven’t copied and you fully understand it.
  • If in doubt, cite your sources. (Cite? Make footnotes, endnotes.)
  • Use quotation marks if using the exact words and then cite.