Course Code:

GRADE 10 Outdoor Education: Request PAD2OI

GRADE 11 Outdoor Education: Request PAD3OI

GRADE 12 Outdoor Education: Request PAD4OI

Play your favourite Phys Ed games outside, build your own shelter, make fire using flint and steel, explore archery, camp, canoe Algonquin Park and the Grand River, carve, rock-climb, try a high-ropes course and zipline, hike, learn the land and wilderness first aid, build your bushcraft and outdoor skills, enjoy our local forests!

The Grades 10-12 Outdoor Education Course (PAD) focuses on the development of a healthy lifestyle through participation in a wide variety of outdoor activities. Students will be given opportunities to practice goal-setting, planning and decision-making, interpersonal skills and grow their leadership. 

Sound appealing? If the answer is “yes”, then please email Ms. Whalen for more information or get help in registering for the course. Course fees apply to help pay for excursions. Camping gear is available for student sign-out.

Trip Excursions and Opportunities

  • Swim to Survive Training and Certification
  • Canoe over Canoe Rescues
  • 3 day Algonquin Park Canoe Trip
  • Canoe the Grand
  • 1 Week Rock Climbing – Guelph Grotto
  • Tree Top trekking in Hamilton
  • 2 day Barber Scout Winter Cabin Campout – Guelph
  • Paint and keep your own Grey Owl Canoe Paddle 
  • Carve and keep your own Cedar spoon

**Course fees apply to help pay for our many excursions and opportunities! Assistance is available if needed**

SHSM – Specialist High Skills Major

Outdoor Education PAD30 and PAD40 count as Major Credits towards the following SHSM sectors:

* Earn up to 2 Major SHSM credits in the sectors below if you take Grade 11 AND Grade 12 Outdoor Ed!

Major Credits: Environment 


Major Credits: Health and Wellness


Major Credits: Hospitality and Tourism


Major Credits: Justice, Community Safety and Emergency Services
