All members of our school community have the right to feel welcome, secure and safe while carrying out their respective duties. Administration will follow the School Board administrative policy APC018 as well as the Safe School’s Act when enforcing all disciplinary situations. APC018 is available through the Board’s web site and a guide to the Safe School’s Act is available through the following web site:
The following behaviour on school property or in school-sponsored activities is not consistent with a safe and secure school environment:
- The use, possession or sale of alcohol or illicit drugs or related paraphernalia;
- The possession or use of weapons or replicas, knives, or items which are intended to be used as a weapon;
- Any physical assault, threats of assault or intimidation;
- Any gang / youth group displaying a pattern of delinquent or disruptive activity;
- Any sexual, ethno cultural and/or racial abuse, slurs or harassment. harassment includes: gossip, jokes, innuendoes, teasing and obscene gestures;
- Dissemination of material electronic or otherwise impacting the mental well being of students or staff;
- Behaviour that could be construed as bullying;
At St. Benedict we call on all to take ownership for the well being of our community. If you are aware of a safety concern of any nature, please contact administration.
The Safe Schools Act includes behaviour off school property as it impacts on the entire community. This would include, for example: fighting, Facebook and Twitter messaging if it was threatening or bullying in nature, etc.