Parents/Guardians are valuable partners in their child’s education. Outlined below are expectations of parents.  As we are navigating in a virtual learning environment, we recognize that although the expectations are similar, they may not be identical to those in a physical school setting.

  • The microphone and the chat feature are tools your child will access to support their learning. 
  • When required, parents may act as  a support.  In order to honour the student  learning  journey, please allow your child to experience productive struggle by allowing them to do the thinking and complete their work independently.
  • Generally speaking, parents/guardians should not appear on camera or speak directly to the teacher or class during the synchronous learning times.  Please do not unmute the microphone during instruction to ask a question or access the chat feature.
  • According to our Board Procedure Memo around Communication Guidelines, please connect with the classroom teacher first should you have a question or concern.
  • Please note that when an email is sent to your teen’s teacher, they will attempt to respond in a timely manner. Teachers will not respond during instructional time. Your patience is appreciated.

The following Board consent forms are useful to reference for student use of technology:

In any virtual learning environment described above, it is essential that students comply with the classroom expectations/norms that have been co-created to ensure the collective success of all. These expectations may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Treat others with dignity and respect in actions and words
  • Participate, and actively engage, in the learning
  • Respect the workspace of others during collaborative learning (e.g., not deleting, moving or making changes to the work of others)
  • Always have the microphone muted, except when asked to have it turned on
  • Have the camera turned on/off when directed by the classroom teacher
  • Google Meet or Microsoft Teams links are NOT to be shared with others outside of the class by students. The teacher will invite others, not students
  • The use of Google Hangouts is not permitted during school hours unless directed by the teacher
  • Appropriate use of the chat feature such as asking questions, responding to the teacher when prompted, etc.
  • Any communication in the chat must consider using appropriate manners and appropriate language. The following are examples of unacceptable forms of communication as they negatively impact the moral tone of the school. Incidents involving any of the following will be immediately brought to the attention of administration. Parents will be notified and progressive discipline will be used.
    • Profanity
    • Comments, images or actions that are either violent, racist, degrading or sexual in nature
    • “Chat spamming” (the repetition of a word or line commonly used in gaming chats)
  • Focus on the learning and avoid distractions such as going to other websites unrelated to the learning taking place or playing video games. Open tabs should be related to the learning and directed by the teacher
  • When cameras are on:
    • the background setting should be considered (e.g., a neutral space). Consider using the “blur background” feature
    • appropriate clothing is required just as it is in a physical school
    • others in the household should be aware that synchronous learning is taking place and that at times, others may see or hear what is happening should the student need to turn on their microphone and/or camera
    • behaviour is expected to resemble that which would be deemed acceptable in school (e.g., sitting up, raising a hand when wanting to share).
  • Synchronous learning shall not be recorded and/or shared by a student
  • Follow and apply the T.H.I.N.K. model, referenced in the Responsible Use of Technology consent form